Anonymous2(1): I hate beaners and wetbacks because they get too much sympathy from americunts and they should be sympathising with middle easterners like me!
Anonymous3: Jafar ain't a spic, if you know Ariel how the fuck do you not know that Jafar is from the same place Aladdin is? which is originally China, but this version IS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST. are you ignorant on purpose so you can spill your spic-hate onto this wholesome website? also, you're a fucking spicphobe! 1v1 me in real life, you won't.
skrinkhuvvachambo: i find this funny as fuck! why use jafar tho? i think he's pretty old like in his 50's and a 90's villian odd choice lol but it works in a hilarious way
I like to fuck her Bald Virgin Pussy!
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