Farfegnugen: @SpecA: You can add tags. You have an account, after all, you uploaded this. You can add the artist. You're mama's big boy now, you can do things on your own. You're missing a characters name, by the way.
"Current reports: remove report" ... Okay, removing the report. The silly stuff people ask for lately.
Farfegnugen: @Justarandomcommentor: ... I see what you mean but I'll counter with this, they're not on the DNP list, so the images shouldn't be removed. TAG IMAGES FULLY.
Farfegnugen: @Justarandomcommentor: Oh no, that means someone else will have to post images from the internet instead. Damn that evil bastard! Oh, woe is us!
Oh, by the way, as someone will soon find out, do not remove the tag.
Anonymous2: @Farfegnugen: Alright fagot, you ARE a real piece of annoying shit, you sound like you’re trying to be funny but you’re not. I can’t understand how you got to be a moderator, I wonder what other annoying shit you did to these people on this site. I wonder if you fucking annoyed your parents so much, they thought you were a mistake. And how about school, you remind me of a lot of annoying shits that try to be a be smart and sarcastic, but really you’re a smart ass, who does nothing but drive people away. You’re alone, I can tell that because of the annoying shit you do to make so many people hate you and probably send you threats once or twice a week. Maybe if you had friends, REAL friends, you would have better things to do than irritate people on this site. I don’t know what you would gain by doing this, being an ass on this site that is, attention maybe? I don’t know and frankly I would not care because it might be stupid, or you just have no reason to do this. That could be it, it would make sense. To make my point clear, stop ruining things everyone, it may not bother you too much for other people it does bother them, and nearly all of them done nothing to make you do this and this is their first time hearing about you and see what a fucking jack off you are. @SpecA: was just trying to give us something we couldn’t afford or maybe some just didn’t want to pay, and I give him a lot of my respect for choosing to share Bokuman’s drawing. And you just came in and try to be that guy that just wants to ruin it for everyone for no reason. This reply is getting to long now, but sit and think to yourself why you do what you do, believe me it’s going to make you think a lot, so get your last two working brain cells to think very hard on this. If you can’t find an answer, then stop, stop being a asshole, and we’ll assuming the worst and you do already have an answer for all the stuff you did, I pity you because one day you’ll look back and wonder why you have so many people to hate you and why was that reason for you to be like that.
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: His life must be so miserable the only moment he feels like something is when he tries to play the asshole role on a porn site, showing all his ''''''power''''' and authority. He must feel like a real badass on here. And as much as he tries to show he doesn't care, deep inside he knows everything you posted is true and it sure hit him hard but hey "let's post some shit meme in return and show how superior I am *punching his monitor in full anger*".
Anonymous5(2): @Farfegnugen: ( this is the same guy who wrote the paragraph comment btw) this has nothing to do with bokuman anymore, this is about you trying to act like hot shit on this porn site, and if the artist is not good like you said, the why the fuck are you still here being an asshole, just leave man. I just visit this site once every so often, sure I’m still looking at porn, but it’s better than you wasting your time being an asshole on this site. And really a meme as a come back, I thought you were more annoying than that, well i guess I got you that good for you to have such little words
Farfegnugen: @Pneumococcal_Racism: No, they are trying start argument with a mod over the rules. Sheepeople can't be wrong because sheepeople is never wrong unless King Sheepeople tells them they are wrong.
Anonymous7: @Farfegnugen: You know, your true colors are really start to show onscreen.
You so fucking garbage that makes me want to suffer like what i see tumblr for the first time and the worst is that you didn't understand shit.
It isn't about the mods, it is about that your a annoying prick, stop being a jackass and be a good person, okay?
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: just because Farf is a jackass, doesn't mean the other side is automatically right. no one wins. everyone here is a loser. yes, including me. what an epic burn.
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"Current reports: remove report" ... Okay, removing the report. The silly stuff people ask for lately.
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Oh, by the way, as someone will soon find out, do not remove the tag.
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You so fucking garbage that makes me want to suffer like what i see tumblr for the first time and the worst is that you didn't understand shit.
It isn't about the mods, it is about that your a annoying prick, stop being a jackass and be a good person, okay?
Oh wait that word is ruined by reddit and epic games.
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Oh, by the way, still not unlocking/removing the tags. SpacA will just have to deal with the fact we tag artist.
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