Anonymous1: @traffik: What does (Don't @ me) mean? Also, nice scat hentai picture, we allways need more of thoes, i just hope that Toph & Azula joins in on the fun, have shirt fight's, shit fucks & then eat a good meal of shit afterwards. We also need some pictures of Ikki, Jinora & Korra doing the same thing, am i right?
traffik: ^LOL at this guy... he makes judgmental comments on 2 pics I uploaded, then immediately PM's me to ask if I'm an artist, and to tell me what he wants to see pics of. "...OK..." indeed.
traffik: @Rule34_painter: Can you maybe, you know, gather all your thoughts into a single post instead of answering one comment six separate times? For someone who hates scat, you sure do have diarrhea of the mouth.
Rule34_painter: @double reply Anon10(6): No, that's just an explanation. Now for the comeback @Traffik: Man, don't you just get mad cuz yo adult family realized you got STDs by fappin to pics like these.
Don't take yo anger out on me cuz of that bruh. (Not to be tooken personal).
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Just joking
Don't take yo anger out on me cuz of that bruh. (Not to be tooken personal).