Decanter: We interrupt Ponytober to bring you Dong Kong feature.
The artist for this one is markydaysaid, whose gallery contains many other offbeat and amusing artworks.
Anonymous4: Black Woman is NBA, white with orange one represents Blizzard(WoW), then honk kong mask one and I guess Mickey is aout Disney reshooting scenes for censors.
Anonymous5: alexa imagine if the latest meme - memes supposedly being a kind of organic subculture drying up and dying instantly when corporate media gets wind of them - was a reference to a chart pop musician's latest single and an item of consumer electronics with the feel of being an advertisement for both. That'd be so sad. Alexa play Despacito
It's a meme, one that actually has been banned in China. Xi himself didn't like being compared to Winnie so he personally saw to a ban on the meme. One developer had their game removed from steam due to "accidentally" leaving in a reference to the meme. If you're interested you can look up "Devotion" or read this article I just took from the first result on google:
Anonymous13: Wow, that is great. Pooh is the Chinese dictator. Yeah, NBA and Blizzard are his whores and Micky is a pimp. Disgusting what the world has come to. American media helped bring down the USSR because we made no money there anyway. The key to neutralizing American media is giving them money so they become your whores. Brilliant China, pathetic USA. Wake up people! WE need to take a stand against this tyranny!
Anonymous17: @Anonymous: Hollywood were getting money from the mass murderer jews who used to run the Soviet Union. And Hollywood is a shithole full of satanism, pedophilia, cannibalism and illuminaty horseshit run by jews too.
Anonymous23(17): @Anonymous: The jews are the ones who does that. That's the reason the old kingdoms of Europe tried to hunt them down and kicking them out of their lands.
GetOnWithIt: @HiddenD: I tagged it with Hong_Kong because I figured the gimp girl directly represented a humanized Hong Kong. Same with NBA and the black girl. Other stuff like China/Xi, Blizzard, and Disney are represented by stand-ins so I just used the series and character tags. Staff is free to change it of course.
Anonymous25: Friendly reminder, if you want to really piss off the chinese government use Hello Kitty as a rebellion icon. Hello Kitty has a theme park in china so trying to censor that would go down hard.
Anonymous26: The handover of Hong Kong was criminal. Britain’s lease was from the Qing dynasty. The Qing were ousted, therefore the debt was absolved. If ANYONE has a claim to HK, it’s Taiwan. Taiwan is the real Chinese government, the PRC is an occupying regime.
Anonymous28: The funny thing is, I don't even see a resemblance between Pooh and the Chinese leader guy. And there's worse characters to be associated with. But if that's what keeps him up at night, and not the horrific abuses of human rights or anything, more power to the people bothering him.
Anonymous32: China's one child policy left a whooollllee lot of men to become women. There's a huge underground shemale sex industry. Dicks out for the bold trannies putting themselves out there turning tricks in risk of getting put into re-education camps.
deathstriker: @Anonymous: Yes, fuck the international kikery, represented in this image by Di$ney, poor Mickey, he did not deserved to be kiked as much as he did, just because Walter did not hated the goyim.
ThePloxDude: Even though this isn't exactly related to China, can the admins atleast feature an image of something related to Yotsuba&! because of shutting down? Well, it shouldn't have Yotsuba Koiwai and instead a rule 34 image of a Yotsuba&! character, such as Fuuka Ayase or something.
Just for those who don't believe it, well check here: [url][/url] It shutdown on October 20th, 2019 as I heard in the message. Maybe the admins should feature a rule 34 Yotsuba&! image (Well, not one containing Yotsuba Koiwai, and instead another character) next because of the Yotsuba and Danboard Store shutting down. Or maybe a Danboard rule 34 image instead.
ThePloxDude: Almost forgot to say this but the only thing I'll say about this image is why the heck is there no South Park on it since it got banned from China? Also the link I did is kind of broken, so let me fix that:
But still, I want the admins to feature either a rule 34 image of Danboard or a rule 34 image of a Yotsuba&! character. After all, not a lot of people on 4chan know about how the store428d/Yotsuba and Danboard store shutdown 6 days ago, so maybe a feature image could let them know and realize that it shutdown? Well, not completely since it moved to Amazon japan, and I'll be surprise if someone on 4chan buys and does something with it, like what happened to falloutfirst.
Farfegnugen: @ThePloxDude: We didn't feature an image when shut down, doubt now. Maybe for and cause they have great ??? for sell.
Anonymous43: Kikes and Chingchongs will rule the world with shekels and yuans. Mark my words! Hollywood and NBA has already been bitched by those sliteyes. Next, they will control the White House and Kremlin, and paint them bright yellow with blue stripes. Mao Zedong picture will replace Abe on your beloved greens while Star of David will decorate Star Spangled Banner.
ThePloxDude: @Farfegnugen: I searched those 3 stores up on Google's url and none of them seem to exist for me. But still, maybe a featured image in tribute/honor of shutting down 7 days ago? The featured image could be Danboard rule 34 or something, since chances are, featuring Yotsuba Koiwai in the image would make some 4chan users a bit pissed off. Well, as long as she isn't rule 34 in the image and only the characters in the featured image. (Although I doubt any rule 34 images of Danboard with Yotsuba Koiwai on it exist, so chances are the featured image could happen, I guess)
Anonymous45: If the Soviet Union was run by Jews, why didn't Israel become socialist? Why were the US and Israel allies during the coldwar? Why did Jews want to get the fuck out of the Soviet Union as fast as possible if they were running the show? The palestianian conflict was manufactured by the soviets as pay-back for Israel not siding with them. These conspiracy theories are retarded and make no sense.
Fuck this whole thing, none of the faggots that are standing with honk kong are actually doing shit other than talking about on social media, good fucking job, you did nothing but go ahead and pat yourself on the back for it.
deathstriker: @Anonymous: Because Jews ran the upper echelons of Soviet Union and Jews were always playing it double, pilferring Russian and tansfering the assets to Jew York City.
Check out how jews like Roman Abramovich got rich.
Anonymous49: I have a fetish for inflation. But not in the traditional sense, because I have a fetish for economic inflation. Ever since I was just a young boy, I have had wet dreams about the value of of a dollar going up. I now actively jerk off to the radioman when he announced that there has been an average raise of the value of gold, silver, and the American number, though sometimes just an average raise doesn't quite so it for me, and sometimes I dream about the value of money going down hundreds of thousands of precents. God I can only hope.
Anonymous55: Rule34 definitely the place where I want to talk about politics, it’s basically like 4chan politically incorrect boards just a bunch of people who want to act like racist to blow off steam and probably laugh behind there screens.
Anonymous65: @TheDR: Fuck you too. Actually, no one would. This is good porn, and a good political message. Now get your horny ass off this site if you're going to bitch about how Hong Kong is such a "bad place". #freehongkong #fuckchina
Anonymous71: Fuck me this is a bloody rollercoaster. Memes, geo politics and shitty jew conspiracies. Got to love the unbribled cancer of the internet.
Anonymous81: Nice to see so many neckbeards ready to stand against China
Too bad China got powerful in the first place because their parents' generation gave it a fuckton on money just to not pay employers.
And also too bad that the neckbeards are just commenting on the internet and not doing anything real.
I hope Trump will do something but i guess his priority is to build that wall first
Anonymous86: @Anonymous: fuck you, you probably voted for biden and his senile brained plan to defund police, and take guns, because some gang banger got held up by cops, and yes the guy was a criminal
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The artist for this one is markydaysaid, whose gallery contains many other offbeat and amusing artworks.
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(bear dick)
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P.S. This is incomplete without pro-HK Mei btw.
You're all lame.
Only good post. Fucking underage normalscum ruined the Internet.
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It's a meme, one that actually has been banned in China. Xi himself didn't like being compared to Winnie so he personally saw to a ban on the meme. One developer had their game removed from steam due to "accidentally" leaving in a reference to the meme. If you're interested you can look up "Devotion" or read this article I just took from the first result on google:
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Long live Enlighted Monarchism
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Buh dum... tss
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@HiddenD: All porn is banned in China, fool. We are already blacklisted there.
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Just for those who don't believe it, well check here: [url][/url] It shutdown on October 20th, 2019 as I heard in the message. Maybe the admins should feature a rule 34 Yotsuba&! image (Well, not one containing Yotsuba Koiwai, and instead another character) next because of the Yotsuba and Danboard Store shutting down. Or maybe a Danboard rule 34 image instead.
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But still, I want the admins to feature either a rule 34 image of Danboard or a rule 34 image of a Yotsuba&! character. After all, not a lot of people on 4chan know about how the store428d/Yotsuba and Danboard store shutdown 6 days ago, so maybe a feature image could let them know and realize that it shutdown? Well, not completely since it moved to Amazon japan, and I'll be surprise if someone on 4chan buys and does something with it, like what happened to falloutfirst.
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Seriously, sick of seeing politics everywhere, now even in my porn
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Fuck this whole thing, none of the faggots that are standing with honk kong are actually doing shit other than talking about on social media, good fucking job, you did nothing but go ahead and pat yourself on the back for it.
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Check out how jews like Roman Abramovich got rich.
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TRUMP2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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Too bad China got powerful in the first place because their parents' generation gave it a fuckton on money just to not pay employers.
And also too bad that the neckbeards are just commenting on the internet and not doing anything real.
I hope Trump will do something but i guess his priority is to build that wall first
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