Anonymous2(1): @Foxyfuckschica: the gloves theory: sardonix for the clean after show, spinel the sexual circumcised with condoms, steven the future gynecologist, pearl the bank earl (lazy to do jokes)postgay, and Aquamrine the coutry catholic happy clown or the officinist. lol rebecca the foostrip dancer. anonymous the analist.
Anonymous3(1): 10000% respecfull comment: no one has to suffer never!!... sometimes dissable persons need mental (cum) relief. who? well spninel the nurse something. she said impotent. Well a sad tragedic Steven. Those calculation were wrong and the island was created by poor other not so lucky introverted people (Rebecca, please fix this world you have some 30%) wait to see some hidden news. and to build some life near all kinds of heaven. damn good-evil usa. someting like that
Anonymous5(1): 10000% respecfull comment: Spinel was an unconfortable pleasurable handjober. fun for everyone but the special gal was always connie (a child!!!! carefull carefull) (universes)Steven needed his special love. 20:00 in the movie. Dr house "said" something else in some ep. and hippies naked and pooping how animals isolated by introverted people. an unbalance and war. this a comment not a work
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