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Anonymous1: Fucking pony girl! Do you like my cock I will fill your vagina until you lose the dirty pony consciousness!
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Anonymous2: You're the guy from the Blake pic aren't you Anon 1?
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Anonymous3(1): @Anonymous: Not, because?
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: there is a war in the comments
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Anonymous5(1): @Anonymous: I just read everything and I don't understand why people get mad at that guy. He is just one more pervert, like everyone who came to Rule34 to see hentai. He is simply commenting on what he thinks of the artist's work, just like me in this image of the Pony girl, instead of taking such comments seriously, they should take it as humor or sarcasm, or directly ignore it... there are people They really look for meaningless problems that make no sense.
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: I guess a lot of things don't make sense to somebody like you.