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Anonymous1: Major lols!
Austria always has been the taint on Germany's lower glory! ROFl
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Anonymous2: why can't i understand it?
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evilpika: My, Earth really is full of things. How disturbing.
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Anonymous3: ach! diese ist schade.
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An__Hero: How did I never notice that before?
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Anonymous4: Munich: where a complete dick got started in politics and fucked up everything
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Anonymous5: Move over Mount Everest. We have a new champion!
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Postal_Dude: Da hast du Recht Anon4, verdammt Recht
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Anonymous6: Photoshop a dick here, it will be funny!
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Penguinque: As a German, I must say,this pic sucks.
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LuluKazama: Well... They DO call it the fatherland...
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evilpika: Hot Germany on Russia action then?
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Anon322: this a Hitler joke?
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ManWhore: >>279163 ??

Wow, there is NO Germany/Russia...
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Anonymous7: So isses, Leute! Wir Deutschen haben die Dicksten! Viel Spaß beim Übersetzen, ihr Lutscher.
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da_cute_one: Bavaria, Germany's scrotum?
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Danielakiiki: This goes a long way in explaining why I've always found Germans to be huge pricks.

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Anonymous8: Germany is a DICK.
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Duzell: Anon322: No, it's a Hetalia joke. Someone posted it in the /y/ Hetalia thread to be a dick.

However I found it hilarious and posted it here.

Danielakiiki: A German posted it here, so suck on that, and Germany's big throbbing cock.
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Anonymous9: I should be more disturbed by this than I am.
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Anonymous10: Good thing I live in the northern part of Germany... Which actually doesn't make it better.
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Anonymous12: Gute Nacht und viel Glück
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KirbyMST3K: wow... that was fast.
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Krawczyk: Darn, Franky beat me. You beeetch! u wana fite me, ill shrek yr bum m8!
user image
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Franky_Whiskey: Lawl, a mexican't beating a germang? Impossiburu! This is calling for a penalty!
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Quinn_Demacias_Wings: Das Bildchen hier macht irgendwie keinen sinn xD
This picture doesent makes any sense xD
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ConsciousDonkey: Hmm, is this some jab aimed at the Germans because they won that football championship in Brazil or something?
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Franky_Whiskey: @ConsciousDonkey: You sure ate a lot of paintchips when you were little, didn't you?
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Anonymous13: Weltmeister <3
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whomp43: Should do a follow-up with the stream splashing onto Argentina.
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Feathery_Duck: GERMANICA,FUCK YEAH! ♪♫
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CrispX: Merkel don´t lose all this cum for you!
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hueci: T_T
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Anonymous14: yay germans won world cup
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Anonymous15: Korwin Krul!
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Scatavaganza: user image
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Anonymous16: One of the reasons I hate Hetalia.
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traffik: With all the World Cup stuff going on, I kind of can't believe that >>1402510 completely flew under the radar. I thought it deserved more attention than it got (which was almost none).
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Anonymous17: user image
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Anonymous18: Germany came all over Argentina.
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NolaCeris: Too low res
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BobaFettish42: SIEG HAIL!
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BobaFettish42: o/
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traffik: Actually, considering that the guy who scored the winning (and only) goal in the final game is named Mario Götze, maybe this is the pic that should've been featured: >>59146
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traffik: Either that or >>160338 .
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Anonymous19: Germany rules bitches!
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Anonymous20: The germans are coming! Make your language sound angry to blend in amongst them.
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Anonymous21: Germany fucks your Asses Bitches! We're the Best! Deal with it Cunts! Oh and btw Gimps: Hitler was Austrian, not a German, Retards.
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FairyCosmo: Because the simpsons were right...
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TongueTwister: Should I be proud of going to Germany next week?
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AJNZulu: Welp....I see why.
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Anonymous22: half of the german soccer team is not real german. fucking dickheads retards UNTERMENSCHEN
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Anonymous23: Is this supposed to be related to that stupid world cup or whatever? Sports are fucking shit. Feature something that's actually funny.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: We will, as soon as you write something that is actually funny.
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True_anonymous: @Franky_Whiskey:
Well that's gonna take a while...
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Anonymous24: did someone lose money on the world cup outcome?
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hvings: Germany: fucking europe in the ass since 1939
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Krawczyk: Hay gaiz, we apparently have a cockmongler in our midst! =D
user image
user image
May I present to you the venerable JIM RAMM (he even has the perfect name!)
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Franky_Whiskey: Shiiiiiiit man! I'm the guy sitting behind faceless guy! That was a great camping trip, no kidding : )
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The_Raper: @Anonymous: Seems legit
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WhatamIdoinghere: Gooood day
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Dialectical_Misanthropy: stil came
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olaf_slyfox: good god man! switch the other hand!man! you nazi racist non afri-can man!....MAN!
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Anonymous25: Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.
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Anonymous26: @traffik: Because it's loli and paheal wants doesn't want to call attention that they're hosting it.
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takemeunder: The Aryan Race, baby!
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Anonymous27: i always knew that germany is a land full of dicks
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Anonymous28(27): +the guy who uploaded this only uploads yaoi porn.
how fitting
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Kidd: Haha Damn Germans and their Hitlerian race. Winning the cup was one step of trying to re-rule the world. Hahaha WWIII! XD
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Anonymous29: Poland and Czech Rep can't keep their faces away from it, those dirty sluts
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Anonymous30: i don't understanding that joke, but than... that joke about footbal, or soccer (like you, americans call that) Germany wins from "GODS" of footbal. (Germany 7:1 Brazil). many brazilian people cried... (national game for them or some) that mean - Germany has a BIG D! that all... and i'm sorry. ENG - not my primary language
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Anonymous31: Maybe this pic don't mean Germans have big dicks but ARE BIG DICKS
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DJR_1989: Bratwurst anyone?
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RogerTheRabbit: @Franky_Whiskey: Was that before, or after the Blues Brothers drove over you?
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TongueTwister: How should I prepare myself for Germany next week?
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forest-sage: Because Germany fucked everybody during the games.
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MaDrow: Donnerwetter was groß

And gross.
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Anonymous32: Well that's a huge ass dick
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Anonymous33: lame. a nazi flag with a dfb logo instead of the swastika as the background of the german territory wouldve made it at least a bit funny...
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Oiccrene: I hoped to escape retarded football at least here but nope...
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KDT: what does this picture mean
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nyktamer: @KDT: it means a 4th world cup for germany.
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Anonymous34: Next they will cook it and eat it. Germans love a good wurst
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ChrisChat: no, europe is lettuce
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Anonymous35: This isn't Rule34, because it's not pornographic. You seem to somehow be confusing "pornography" with "non-sequitur."
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noodleboy420: I really need a better geography teacher...
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Anonymous36: @Anonymous: You seem to somehow be confusing "non-sequitur" with "I don't like it."
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nerfboy621: that jizz is gonna land in Denmark
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Anonymous37: is this that plane that got shot down by a missile over europe?
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TDF: @Anonymous: in rule34 paheal pretty much the only rule for it to be porn is whether it has visible genitalia or not. It doesn't matter if is one of the most perverted things you could imagine, if it doesn't have a visible dick or vagina it's not porn.

(yeah, i'm still pissed they removed a picture i uploaded because it wasn't supposedly porn.)
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Farfegnugen: @TDF: It has to an established thing as well. Suzzy the Hedgehog no, Germany yes.
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TongueTwister: The end of my American life will end up in that place in 2 days.
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TongueTwister: Now, it'll be tomorrow. Help me.
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Anonymous38: Is this gonna be up until the next World Cup?
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Anonymous39: This is what it felt like when the world cup was won... Fucking hell, i just wanted to sleep...
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Sintime: Dick on a map ....
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Anonymous40: I say Nope.avi to this and I do not approve and the funny thing Hitler did is that when he suicides he shot him self up the ass XD
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Anonymous41: test
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BobtheWanker: Test
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Anonymous42: @TomTornados: Shut, the fuck up.
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Ratraccoon: Since we've feature a map think you could feature this one too >>98266 given the current conflict. You know every time Israel fucks with Gaza they always pull out.
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Anonymous43: Is this the new rocktprogramm? Or how the moste care about the world cup... Nu weil wir WALDMEISTER sind? Ja ich meine waldmeister wer brauch schon Weltmeister...
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CrispX: @Anonymous: Nasty! XD
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CrispX: @Anonymous: Anonymous44 2 years old.

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