Anonymous1: Boris image are good but they arent getting enough attention because he makes ugly bastard characters with the female and this is important because people will ne discomfort with it. Characters like hypno and hairy characters lol. Also charecter pairing is another key because I saw a picture where he made leaf with another super smash bros charecter and people were like let's put it on blacklist lol which I can understand and the only one who can fuck leaf is Red and for Zelda it should be Link. If you have another charecter with her it kinda hurts especially leaf. Also, heres my opinion you should add male characters like Ike or marth for FE because I keep seeing faceless ones which is a turn off.
Lucy7: @Anonymous: You can literally never shut the fuck up about the male characters in Boris pics, its so obvious its you since you have to complain about the same shit every comment you post inbred retard.
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