Anonymous3: I don't watch the show and have never ever since they turned April into a black girl (oh can someone please tell me why "they" are replacing redhead's with black girls? Mary Jane, of Spiderman for example) But are they bringing back the original April? Some one please reply! Now that would be a real Christmas miracle!
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Have you ever seen mirage April? She’s literally anything but a redhead. Anyways what’s wrong with black girls? I watch the new show and trust me I was a little bummed out when they revealed her to be African American but she’s really not that bad. She’s literally a normal girl, she’s really not at all stereotypical which is what people think she would be.
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: ninja turtles is **confirmed** to be a multiverse. So, April can literally be any ethnicity, sex or whatever, in any given universe. In the rise universe, April is black. In the 2012 series, she was a half-alien teenager. In the 80’s cartoon they made Baxter stockman a white dude when he was very clearly black in the original comic. Multiverse, kinda get over it.
Also, The girl in spiderman isn’t Mary Jane. Her initials just spell out MJ but her name and origin are literally not Mary Jane. However, spiderman is also a multiverse. In Miles Morales’ universe, for instance, Mary Jane exists and she’s white. Gwen Stacy is a version of spiderman in a world where she got bit by the spider rather than peter Parker. Again, it’s a multiverse.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Thanks for getting back to me. Don't get me wrong I love black people! In fact two of my favourite porn stars of all time are black Roxie Ray and Jada Fire! What I don't like is PC and SJW's constantly changing my favourite characters, etc.
Anonymous8(7): @Anonymous: Nothing's wrong with black girls! I didn't say anything was wrong with black girls! Like I said before I love black people! In fact two of my favourite porn stars of all time are black Roxie Ray and Jada Fire! What I don't like is PC and SJW's constantly changing my favourite characters, etc. That's all. Peace!
Also, The girl in spiderman isn’t Mary Jane. Her initials just spell out MJ but her name and origin are literally not Mary Jane. However, spiderman is also a multiverse. In Miles Morales’ universe, for instance, Mary Jane exists and she’s white. Gwen Stacy is a version of spiderman in a world where she got bit by the spider rather than peter Parker. Again, it’s a multiverse.