Anonymous7: anon 5. bits of her are probably missing cause thouse lazy as modelers though that no one would take the time to get rid of all the blur, enhance the graphics and stuff so we could really see whats happening rather then every thing being blurred.
Anonymous9: you guys know its not a crappy model if you played the game. at the end she basically lights on fire from the inside and that's this part play the game you idiots.
Anonymous25: The hole plot of fear 2 is Alma is just trying to fuck you because she wants a baby, but you are the only one with the psychic that are powerful enough for you to actually touch her
Anonymous27: @Anonymous: yeah and that is a scene from fear 2 where you play as becket that has no connection with the wade familly apart from being the 3rd son/daughter father
Anonymous28(27): @Anonymous: he only gets strong enough psychic in the end of the game when she attacks you(tries to get close to the one she loves)she takes health from you
"God getting raped by her at the end of the game was one of the sexiest things I've experienced in a video game."
"anon4 is raping me in the ass right now and it feels AWWWWWRIGHT!"
Look Closely and you'll see that bits of her are missing...aka the model is shite....
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lucky beckett