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Anonymous1: I dunno why but I keep thinking the tail are anal beads hmmm...
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Anonymous2: Cutie :3, i like the eyes. Which tools are you using to create these lovely art? Pen and watercolor? And you painting it with just a mouse or you have some better technology? Thanks for any response...
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notnoodle: @Anonymous: I exclusively use the pencil tool on Firealpaca (a free art program that I highly recommend!) since it creates a nice watercolor/sketchy aesthetic.I also use a star-06 XP-pen tablet; it has so many pen pressures! Thanks for expressing an interest in the tools I use~
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Anonymous3(2): Thanks, I really admire how somobody could draw on black board like graphic tablet and just look at your computer if you draw correctly. That's too hard for me. I would need something better, cause my drawing skills are no so good, something like graphic tablet with a screen (I know it exists, but it is not that cheap). Now I just drawing with my mouse. It's like drawing with a potato. Im using FireAlpaca too, it's so awesome for a free program. I would pay 10$ for it.
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YourLocalBerry: She looks like a little cat, cute
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Anonymous4: tbh i'm kinda addicted to pussies so i wish i wanna virtual lick it > / / / / <