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Anonymous1: lmao garrison is a fucking retard
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KDXX: He really is, if he thinks this is how Millennials see stuff and equality...seriously? More like centralized taxes, and a streamlined application thereof; you know, like most of the older, wiser countries that don't start a needless war every 3-5 years do it.
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kapitansmit: that means the capitalism is working? it is good to know.
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Anonymous2: Not Porn- post on twitter tyciol - why do you disrespect rule34 anons?
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Anonymous3: Look at all these insulted people, who are defending their beliefs. Gratulations to the artist: You got the reaction, you were aiming for.
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Anonymous4: Gotta save them from their own stupidity, otherwise they could make the ship shrink with themselves.
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Anonymous5: There needs be pics of AOC in a bra and thong on this website. Feet pics as well.
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Anonymous6(5): There needs be pics of AOC in a bra and thong on this website. Feet pics as well.
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Anonymous7: This guy is the same one that drew the brexit pic where the EU ship is going into a hurricane (the migrants) and UK leaves with a rowboat to save itself?
Damn, that really aged well and showed the artist's impressive wit
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Anonymous8: AOC could easily win over White male Trump supporters if she just showed her juggs on national TV.
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Anonymous9(8): @Anonymous: Beta male.
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Anonymous10: Since when was Kamala Harris socialist? Also Garrison can’t draw Tulsi for shit
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Anonymous11: Looks like Trump wrecked that ship hard on the coronavirus island
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Anonymous12: poltic
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Anonymous13: I like how Kamala Harris is apparently a socialist.
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Anonymous14: Lol Ben is a riot. I don’t think he knows the difference between brown skinned women and socialism. AOC is the only women on that island of his who’s even remotely leftist, and then only remotely.
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Anonymous15: moderately attractive brown women equals socialism. that's why he left out ilhan omar, she's TOO hot.
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Anonymous16(15): also i like how captain trump is steering america away from where it wants to go lol
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Anonymous17: Artits really nailed it with this one
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Anonymous18: He really did.
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Hentailicker93: Hahaha, this pic. aged very well like wine.
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Anonymous19: a couple of months later my comment still stand. What a joke of a president.
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Anonymous20(19): Notice how army and police can be funded by taxpayers just fine, they are not "free" or "communism", you can't propose to defund them a little, but if you try to make tax-funded healthcare or school is suddenly "a siren song". Right wingers are truly retarded.
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Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Yes they are. I mean this artist clearly has talent as a political cartoonist, but wastes his gifts on supporting that sunburnt orange peel of a man. Even though he’s our president that doesn’t mean any criticism levied towards him should be taken as “attacking” America. Nor should wanting basic societal functions, like healthcare and such, should be seen as socialism. Some people need to look up what that word really entails and not just repeat what they heard from their favorite conservative commentator.
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Anonymous22: lmao socialists are assholes
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Anonymous23: Kill yourselves :)
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Anonymous24(19): Lol Drumpf crashed the boat hard. Thank god now there is captain Biden
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Anonymous25: @Anonymous: idiot. Your socialist attitude makes you the first to die
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Anonymous26(19): @a26: still alive, unlike Trump's political career! The only people dead are the one killed by Trump's incompetent handling of the virus
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Anonymous27: Excuse me, but could anyone of you fine viewers discern for me who the gentleman on the right could be? I have yet to locate a text-based label informing me about the identity of this cartoon persona in regard to their real-life counterpart. I would kindly appreciate all help provided and I wish you a splendid further sojourning of this website.
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Anonymous28: Politics, in my Rule 34?
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Anonymous29: I do left-wing rightie-humiliating political porn and I'm stealing the siren song of socialism for a new erotic video, thanks bg
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Anonymous30: Not porn, sadly Rule 8 applies here. Com'on man, at least edit the girls so they are topless. On a side note, who the fuck would want those 3 goblins?
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Anonymous31(30): @Anonymous: Yep, & now the boat is about to crash again, except this time there won't be another boat. You lefties never learn.
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Anonymous32: imagine thinking biden is a lefty
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Anonymous33(32): more to the point, imagine thinking tulsi and kamala are socialists lololol shit even aoc proposes reform capitalism
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Anonymous34: trump is bad.
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Anonymous35: This would be more accurate if he was turning to Port while saying that.
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Anonymous36: Garrison thought Tulsi was a "Socialist"...?
Well, Benjy, Drab-Bag I. Slut is now a GOPer, so what's your story now? Are you going to draw her into another of your restroom-quality cartoons showing her having achieved enlightenment? Will your image of her finally resemble her?
Sigh. Would the long-overdue day of #RIPGOP please hurry up and arrive, while there is still a country left to recover from this treasonous party's abuse?
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Anonymous37: ^ no bro, he's just scared by brown women
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Anonymous38: @Anonymous25(20) absolute sheep... following the person infront of you mindlessly expressing "opinion" that threatens the very thing our founding fathers sacrificed their life's for... if beta cucks like you like socialism so much then go to any communist nation. TRUMP 2024!!!!
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Anonymous39: I can't get over the irony that Venezuela's economy and society being utterly destroyed is a direct result of having exactly the same kind of politics and government that Trump wanted/wants, although that's like issue number twenty-five in this example of near-fatal brain worms.
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Anonymous40: Fuck you Ben Garrison
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CAKelso: Its a valid though inaccurate political cartoon, since most right-wing Americans consider 'socialism' to be what much of the world knows as 'welfare capitalism'. It would have a place in some right-wing periodical.

It doesn't seem to fit very well on here, unless the 'sirens' or 'odysseus' have a bit less clothes on.
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Anonymous41: This is great porn

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