Anonymous10(7): I don't see any shitting nipples, Anonymous2, BUT, I do see some PUKING nipples, and, I think I'll join 'em(BAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFF! Ohmigawd, please help Me, I'[m sorry, I'm sorry, I promise, I won't do THIS, or, THAT, anymoreBAAAAAAAARRRRRRFFFFFand, I won't try to fool You, with these lame lies, You know I'm gonna do it, I know I'm gonna do it, the only one who doesn't know, it that potted plant, over there, and It may not know it, but it suspects!
"♪As I walk through the valley of the shadow of fur
I take a look at my life and realize there's not much left
coz I've been yiffing and fur-suiting so long, that
even my mama thinks that my mind is gone
but I ain't never fucked a fox that didn't deserve it
me be treated like a fag you know that's what you heard of
you better watch how you're talking, and where you're walking
or you and your furries might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip but i gotta, dog
As I Grow I see myself in the pistol smoke, fool
I'm the kinda G the little cubbies wanna be like
on my knees in the night, saying prayers in a fursuit
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
keep wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
keep wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
They got the situation, they got me fappin'
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the wolves
so I gotta be down with the fur team
too much internet watching got me chasing bears
I'm an uneducated fool with yiffing on my mind
got my ears in my hand and a tear in my eye
I'm a loc'd out faggot set trippin' fanger
and my fursona is down so don't arouse me, fool
death ain't nothing but a furry-con away,
I'm living life, do or die, what can I say
I'm 33 now, but will I live to see 34
the way things are going I don't know
Tell me why are we, so blind to yiff
That the one's we fuck, are you and me
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
Fur and the money, money and the fur
minute after minute, hour after hour
everybody's yiffing, but half of them ain't looking
what's going on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's chickin'
they say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me
if they can't undersstand it, how can they reach me
I guess they can't, I guess they won't
I guess they front, that's why I know my life is out of luck, fur
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
Tell me why are we, so blind to yiff
That the one's we fuck, are you and me
Tell me why are we, so blind to yiff
That the one's we fuck, are you and me
[fade out]♪"
Couldn't resist it...I knew I had to post this as this is the only thing that comes to my mind ater seeing this picture <:(
Anonymous19: Although most people are at least a tiny bit furry, like cat girls, etc. I seriously couldn't think of one single person who would see this pic and fap.
Anonymous38: Wow. And I thought I had seen the picture that would break me. The Misty-dicktube filled with little mistys was WAAAAY tamer than this. I might just kill myself tonight.
Anonymous41: Ok wow just wow. um. um. yeh I um. Oh shit ok sorry I new what I was gonna say but then I looked a second time. What I had intended to say was that I had all remnants of my childhood raped torn limb from limb and cremated by this site.(all before I even knew what site I was on by the way.) I came to this pic because of anon40 up there. I to saw the Misty-dicktube filled with little misty's and saw a comment from him claiming this one topped it got here and a piece of me I didn't know I had just died. Then I looked again. I'm having a hard time right now. I think I'm gonna stick to the safe porn for a little bit. least until my eye's stop bleeding. J gonna look one more time for the road.
Genjar: This is why everyone hates furries. Furries have low standards, so every single sick fuck in the existence has gravitated towards furdom. Because they're no longer welcome anywhere else.
vores: hmmmm....well, at first i was like'WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS FUCKING! FUCKEDY FUCKING SHIT!!' but then i looked again and'I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THIS GUY WAS THINKING!'...too many fluids..
lanzhimself: I can't believe my eyes, that picture is just so vile that I can actually smell it. Screw trying to be proper in any way shape or form. This is what happens if you punch a pregnant abortion in the soul.
Anonymous56: I am quite happy that things like these exist... because its building up my resistance against even worse stuff on the internet, else i would kill myself the moment i realised the extend of horrible horribility (<-- nice word^^) thats showing itself to me. The antichrist lives and drawind such pictures XD
biggerstaff: I said it before I clicked... "I'm gonna regret this... I know it..." And yet, it doesn't have the effect is would have a year ago. yay for desensitization!
Anonymous66: Seriously. Make a million of these pics, put them in planes, and pamphlet bomb Iraq. The terrorists will give up in a second just so they don't have to worry about us dropping an even worse pic on them.
Anonymous77(76): im a furry and this is just horrible, my friend chain-letter emailed me this, its, its, AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Gothzilla: I envy the sick fuck who came up with this. None of the fetishes in the picture are mine, but I only hope that one day I can come up with something equally disgusting and twisted in my own way.
Anonymous85: I will set up my home security system to put images of this on every screen in the house, so if it does not drive them away it will at least scar them for life. If they like it and keep coming back then they seriously need caught which I will also arrange, perhaps sending them off for top secret work because anyone tolerating this mindcrap might be willing to do anything for their uncle.
Anonymous86: I do believe this would count as Mind Rape in a subliminal manner and I just know this will haunt my subconcious for some time, thus I will watch barney the Dinosaur to rid myself of this image
Anonymous88(87): I regret to inform you the prefix of INternal organs shouldnbe repatriated and replaced with EXternal. Also, my brains can be found over those two walls and that I shat bricks faster than meteors.
4N6: Fuck shit motherfucker...
Go away. You're a failure. Don't hang around me anymore and disgust me!
Oh fuck you. I should kill you now, you sonofabitch...
I can't drink enough vodka to forget this image!!!
Anonymous108: This is some straight up God Emperor Forbidden, Chaos shunned, Tau disgusted, Eldar wheeping, baby scaring, making a nun not innocent anymore, dog crying, cat puking, Jesus face palming, cancer inducing straight up HERESY!
Anonymous114(109): This is Anon110, I think this picture got the most amount of comments in the shortest amount of time, in the history of the known univarse.
This picture brought a tear to Chuck Norris's Beard.
Anonymous121: This is the most horrifying, minducking, terrible, suicide inducing, makes a starving Ethiopian not want to eat, mentally scaring, twisted, fucked up, wrong, shit ever made. The sick sad soul who made this doesn’t deserve hands, but a bullet to the face seems pretty fair. Childhood died today...
BinaryViolence: .... I look at this. And. It doesn't bother me. I'd say it's an accurate representation of the internet. And in two more years, the US political situation.
Anonymous125(109): This picture is so far from anything that is remotely close to being humanly or anthropomorphically correct on an atomic scale. Hitler's ghost just commited suicide.
nigg3r: what can i say moar? fapfapfapfap shit is fapable if u dont fap ur shit respect the shit becoz it is the essense of our lifes shit is cool shit and we need moar shit
teh shit is cool shit it kills bad shit and gives life to shit
Anonymous128: Well let's scrutinize this. I see puking nipples, shitting vaginas, pissing toes, furries, dragons, shitting toes with dicks (or slugs rather) on them, puking toes, pissing/sweating hairy armpits, and tripple ejaculating futa. I think this picture actually created new rule 34 concepts......
LockTheSlayer: attractive and successful African, I swear to god, you are the saddest attempt at a troll that I can't even brain this situation anymore.
Look at your comment, now back to mine. Now back at your comment now back to mine. Sadly it isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through comments, writing the comment your comment could look like. What did you post? Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again the reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.
LockTheSlayer: I'm pretty sure that's breakingsome rule, but you're lucky that you're an Anon, otherwise Titanium would rip off your head and shit down your neck.
Anonymous130: Hmm... Now, can someone clarify something for me? Would this be counted as skat or guro? I think I see some intestines in all that filth.
Anonymous133: THIS IS COMPLETELY DESGUSTING! HOW CAN SOMEONE FAP TO THIS SHIT?! JUST LOOK AT IT! I would vomit too if I was in the same room of a furry orgy.
Anonymous135: You know what? It... It's so much of everything, I'm not even feeling nauseous... ;____; THERES SO MUCH SHIT AND PISS THAT IT DOESN'T FAZE ME!! WHAT THE FLYING FUCK!
Anonymous137(134): I just wanna put everything in this picture in a fucking blender and then burn the blended puke and blood and shit and menstrual blood or whatever the fuck is in this fucked up picture (I wouldn't know, I looked at it for about a millisecond.)Why the fuck does this site even include the most fucked up things? A couple features ago, we had Nearly Headless Nick with a Nearly Headless Dick. The whole purpose of porn is to make you horny, not to make you puke and scream. I think that >>466773 is an example of porn. This shit is not.
disregard that i suck cocks
LockTheSlayer: Once you get stuck in Rule 34, you'll never get out. Trust me. After Rule 34 original got killed, I went through withdrawls until this one rose up.
Once upon a midnight dreary, my fapping arm weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of Rule 34,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently fapping, fapping at my chamber door.
`'Tis some furfag,' I muttered, `fapping at my chamber door -
Only this, and nothing more.'
It was then I held my member shriveled from the bleak December,
I set aflame that dying ember as I came upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my porn surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant image which no man has seen before -
Nameless here for 34.
Anonymous165: (Rev 9:5-6 KJV) And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of an image, when he is beheldth by men. {6} And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
Anonymous180: A couple things happened here:
Hell froze over
Chuck Norris cried
Lucifer gave a blessing
Someone divided by zero
The planets aligned
I vomited a bit
I clicked on the youtube link and listened while looking at this and vomited again, but it was pretty epic.
Take this art upon the page
And, in silence let it age,
Thus loose insanity from its cage.
You are not wrong, who deem
That seeing this may make one scream;
Yet if hope has flown away
That all will be forgot someday,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see and fight
Is but a mare within a night?
I stand amid the roar
Of anon who cry for moar,
Of what I hold within my folder
Truly beauty is in the penis of the beholder-
How few! yet how they creep
Art thou happy, horror's cheap,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
My manhood with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
My soul from my heart's deprave?
Is all that we see and fight
But a mare within a night?
Anonymous187(104): i have no words todescribe what imfelling mow is is mentely possible to be :
having bleeding eyes
having your childhood raped
and having a shrock at the same time
Anonymous193: it still perplexes me why images like this exist.
oh, and titanium...
...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.•´
xmarkxcorex: id like to point out that i voted for treat...btw, when i go on this site the image does not show until i click this just happening with me?
Anonymous212: is it wrong if im still hungry after seeing this as well as not gagging or anything?????
oh by the way i thought i saw a smurf or a few by the pile of shit and piss by the pink dragon thing
Anonymous217: funny, Ive seen blue waffle, 2 girls and 1 cup, and this and still did not get sick to my stomach. Ya its gross but still.I think im just immune to this kind of crap.Freaky.
Anonymous222: I don't understand the significance of the spaces between toes urinating, vomiting and shitting. Nipples shitting everywhere makes perfect sense, but what's wrong with their feet?
A lot of people will have seen worse than this, but this is quite a work of art.
Anonymous234: You took an anonymous poll and gave everyone the option to choose "screw" you, and your getting upset? I think you have invested TOO much time in rule34.
You also featured a very pathetic and grotesque pic on Halloween and STILL left the poll up. I'm pretty sure people are voicing their opinions by clicking "screw you" because of your current feature.
Anonymous240: This is a masterpiece of unparalleled vision and scope. This artist is second only to Da Vinci, in the way he is able to postulate what kinds of textures and colors come from the depths of fictitious creatures that nobody has ever seen.
If you look at the meerkat, for instance, and the brilliant contrast in the green and white essence being spewed from its anterior cavum... you notice that the trajectory is unique, and paints the dull brown beneath with intriguing patterns, which insofar as the overall theme is concerned, I have not yet found a meaning thereto.
Anonymous241: This kinda reminds me of the guy I saw in Iraq.. after he got hit in the head with a .50.... messy, shit everywhere, and in the end, kinda funny.
Anonymous247: Did anyone read the description from the source? If not, here it is:
Far Left - Pandora
Here we have our canid captive in chains, currently generating a foul mixture of sources in her stomach to the point where it's bloated outward into a massive bag of flesh. A multitude of worms and slugs are flying from her maw while a diarrheac sludge erupts from her rump. In addition to being excessively hairy and sweaty, she's a bit hyperphallic, though it's hard to see it given that it's hiding behind her butt 'n gut. Oh, and those're maggots coming from her tits.
Left - Cassie
Presently on all fours and cursed beyond help, she's presently defecating a mutated form of rotten egg that cracks open into equally rotten fish, though some of them are live. The yellowish-sludge you see from her sex (and most of the same color of the image) are maggots, which are also gushing from her enlarged toes just a little. To top it off, the sweaty dragoness is choking up whole turds onto her little friend down there...
Middle - Timon
Camouflage, much? Never eat strange bugs, buddy. Though they're buried beneath the filth, his toes have swollen and produce a crude sweat, and he's vomiting a mixture of his own sperm and worms. He's enjoying himself a little too much, releasing a massive fart alongside a powerful orgasm. Seems he's gotten a bit pudgy, too.
Bottom Right - Wile E. Coyote
Always a charming fellow, holding up his batty friend like that, not to mention he bothers turning his head to the side to throw up rotten milk and earthworms. Must be the new ACME surgery. Whole slugs gush from his bottom while maggots gush from his swollen overbloated feet, creating piles beneath him. What's more, he's currently plowing and cumming into...
Bottom Right - Rouge the Bat
... Rouge's rump. Drunk with pleasure (as well as inebriating mutant serums) and perhaps the most enamored with the situation, our femme fatale is presently being plowed by Mr. Coyote while vomiting slugs and defecating from her cunt. Hair has sprouted on her maggot-gushing tits while she's rained upon from above by our next captor.
Top Right - Lexington
Though fond of science, science is even more fond of him! As a personal test subject, he's found himself suspended in the air and grafted with two additional penises, so caught up in the moment that he ejaculates wildly, vomiting a coffee-esque worm-laden spew over his body. These are not his only new additions; as slugs fall out of his anus, his arm-pits have become make-shift anuses for whole logs to spew forth, and topping it all off, his navel now erupts in a geyser of raw liquidated shit.
Redeemer_of_The_Fandom: While I appreciate the appropriately frightening feature for Halloween, I wish people would stop drawing stuff like this. It gives all of us furries a bad name.
theKRACKEN: Do people draw this shit because people out there actually find this attractive, or are they just trying to get attention? I wonder...
Also, as many of you have said... "where's my flamethrower" ... "Burn it" ... "Kill and bury the artist" etc.
This is beyond that, all of it. Far beyond it.
I have two words for this pic:
Carpet. Nuke.
That's right, you heard me. Not a nuke, not a carpet bomb, a CARPET NUKE. As in, 50-100 nukes dropped in a carpet bombing pattern.
So far, this is the only thing I can come up with strong enough to fully purge this filth.
Good luck.
Anonymous260: Everybody poops. Everybody pukes. Everybody pees. Everybody farts. Everybody bleeds. Everybody, one way or another, stinks. Yep, we are ALL gross!
Finally, a pic for EVERYONE! And just in time for the election - a bipartisan enema of unbiased disgust. United we our own filth! Divided, we merely deny it (the filth that is)! For it never ends even when we die , for we will merely rot. Unavoidable, like taxes...
Anonymous265: Jeb: look alive greenhorns, THIS is paheals true intended purpose; to catalog all the soul crushing disturbing porn of the characters loved and adorned throughout the world for easy viewing pleasure.
>>96482 Jeb said it best now i think ill hiro
Anonymous272(168): this is what you get when you combine all of the pics of 34 into one super pic...utter chaos and dissapointment but at the same time a the most fucked up definition of a win
Titanium: Anon237 - I am well aware of the potential reason for voting. I put up the poll as a way to decide which image out of 3 to feature. I don't care that people chose "fuck you"... in fact I am glad they did. :)
Anonymous286(98): only a man with BALLS OF STEEL can look at this.
only a man with BALLS OF TITANIUM can get a boner.
only a man with BALLS OF DIAMOND can fap this.
only a man with BRAINS OF SHIT can likee this.
Anonymous289: I'm not even grossed out. It's so over the top that it's impossible to feel revolted. I feel like small but important parts of my brain shut themselves off the moment I saw this, leaving nothing behind, except for a feeling of meh.
Anonymous302: ... You know what?
This is why I fucking come here.
Most sites, when they go for porn, they just go missionary consensual m/f humans. Changing even 'one' of those is enough to qualify as a niche market.
Now, this site? The number of pieces that aren't any of the above are more common than the ones that are all of the above. It's fucking incredible. This is a truly niche market, and in one such as this, you can find anything.
And even if you can't fap to it, you can at least chortle at how horrendously fucked up it is.
People talk all the time about how you shouldn't learn sex from porn, because porn is idealized sex, where women prostitute themselves to the cable guy at the drop of a hat, penises are eight inches minimum, and so on. Those people would be amazed to discover this image.
You think finding a bisexual women with decent cleavage is unrealistic? Half of the women here have two exercise balls shoved into their bras and dicks longer than their arms. You think furries are odd? These people are shitting and puking through their nipples. You think people who have sex for pizza is silly? Half of these people have it virtually round-the-clock.
That's why I love this site.
It's not afraid to be really, really out there.
Killamajig: "Most sites, when they go for porn, they just go missionary consensual m/f humans. Changing even 'one' of those is enough to qualify as a niche market."
Holy fuck, can you even load a Paheal thumbnail page with your dial-up way back there in 1992? It's a fucking chore to find something that isn't interracial anal gape porn that starts with a deepthroat until she pukes.
General_Vagueness: I don't think I can get properly disgusted by this because it just looks like a regular mess, being everywhere and so mixed up like that
meowmix: Ummm... Huh? Not the worst of what I've seen... but it's up there. Though if I were to post this on GuroChan's /s/, they'd call me a pussy and then ban me for posting furry shit. ( pun intended)
Anonymous323(322): @my comment above I just wrote that to refer to Lonely Island. In real life this makes me sick. Anyone else think this kind of art should be banned?
- Reply
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*throws up all over the floor*
PUT! WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! I'm all foar artistic expression, and, just plain weirdness, but, DAMN!!!
- Reply
- Reply
If so, youre not doing it right...
- Reply
"♪As I walk through the valley of the shadow of fur
I take a look at my life and realize there's not much left
coz I've been yiffing and fur-suiting so long, that
even my mama thinks that my mind is gone
but I ain't never fucked a fox that didn't deserve it
me be treated like a fag you know that's what you heard of
you better watch how you're talking, and where you're walking
or you and your furries might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip but i gotta, dog
As I Grow I see myself in the pistol smoke, fool
I'm the kinda G the little cubbies wanna be like
on my knees in the night, saying prayers in a fursuit
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
keep wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
keep wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
They got the situation, they got me fappin'
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the wolves
so I gotta be down with the fur team
too much internet watching got me chasing bears
I'm an uneducated fool with yiffing on my mind
got my ears in my hand and a tear in my eye
I'm a loc'd out faggot set trippin' fanger
and my fursona is down so don't arouse me, fool
death ain't nothing but a furry-con away,
I'm living life, do or die, what can I say
I'm 33 now, but will I live to see 34
the way things are going I don't know
Tell me why are we, so blind to yiff
That the one's we fuck, are you and me
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
Fur and the money, money and the fur
minute after minute, hour after hour
everybody's yiffing, but half of them ain't looking
what's going on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's chickin'
they say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me
if they can't undersstand it, how can they reach me
I guess they can't, I guess they won't
I guess they front, that's why I know my life is out of luck, fur
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
been spending most their lives, living in the furries paradise
wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
wasting most our lives, living in the furries paradise
Tell me why are we, so blind to yiff
That the one's we fuck, are you and me
Tell me why are we, so blind to yiff
That the one's we fuck, are you and me
[fade out]♪"
Couldn't resist it...I knew I had to post this as this is the only thing that comes to my mind ater seeing this picture <:(
- Reply
But srsly, this is one picture being worth a thousand trolls. If whippin' this pic out doesn't get folks gabbin', I don't know what will.
Okay, now this is war.
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3, 4 ure moms a whore
5, 6 get moar pics
7, 8 childhood in flames
9, 10 never fap again
- Reply
- Reply
- Reply
Is that urine coming from their breasts?
Is that pink dragon lady eatting the poo or vomiting poo?
Why,mother? why?
"Will I live to see -34-?"
- Reply
Your welcome
- Reply
Needs to be removed!
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- Reply
99,99% of furries disgust of this. 00,01% of those who don't disgust are blind.
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Trick: 11.88%
Treat: 24.75%
Fuck you: 63.37%
So, Happy Halloween and fuck you too!
Puking nipples
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Go away. You're a failure. Don't hang around me anymore and disgust me!
Oh fuck you. I should kill you now, you sonofabitch...
I can't drink enough vodka to forget this image!!!
....Well, I'm stumped.
What has he done...
This is...
Yet it got featured...
Life makes no sense...
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- Reply
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This exists.
oh and listen to this as you observe the picture:
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all this site has been getting lately is gay futanari and scat pics
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This picture brought a tear to Chuck Norris's Beard.
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and then you show me this...
fuck you internet, fuck you...
411 7he 4n00ns wh0 aposted (0R H0WH3V3R 1TS SP3113D)
teh shit is cool shit it kills bad shit and gives life to shit
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Son, I am disapoint.
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Add a Tauren!
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Look at your comment, now back to mine. Now back at your comment now back to mine. Sadly it isn't mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through comments, writing the comment your comment could look like. What did you post? Back at mine, it's a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again the reply is now diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.
I'm on a horse.
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disregard that i suck cocks
in my mouth (like a boss)
aw shit fuck man i can`t... *sees this pic* ......... *gunshot*
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These are clearly machamps
I cried while I did it.
But I came.
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Once upon a midnight dreary, my fapping arm weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of Rule 34,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently fapping, fapping at my chamber door.
`'Tis some furfag,' I muttered, `fapping at my chamber door -
Only this, and nothing more.'
It was then I held my member shriveled from the bleak December,
I set aflame that dying ember as I came upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
From my porn surcease of sorrow - sorrow for the lost Lenore -
For the rare and radiant image which no man has seen before -
Nameless here for 34.
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*Thump Thump Thump SMASH!*
I can't wait for that 5 months to be over.
*slits wrists*
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Of course, you've got to know that somewhere out there someone is fapping to even this crap 9_9
The Aristocrats should be a tag
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I didn't need to puke before.
I do now.
I didn't need to shit before either.
This image is a weapon.
that divided by zero
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Hell froze over
Chuck Norris cried
Lucifer gave a blessing
Someone divided by zero
The planets aligned
I vomited a bit
I clicked on the youtube link and listened while looking at this and vomited again, but it was pretty epic.
How anyone could put that much effort in drawing that much sweat, piss, shit, and cum, I am completely baffled on.
Take this art upon the page
And, in silence let it age,
Thus loose insanity from its cage.
You are not wrong, who deem
That seeing this may make one scream;
Yet if hope has flown away
That all will be forgot someday,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see and fight
Is but a mare within a night?
I stand amid the roar
Of anon who cry for moar,
Of what I hold within my folder
Truly beauty is in the penis of the beholder-
How few! yet how they creep
Art thou happy, horror's cheap,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
My manhood with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
My soul from my heart's deprave?
Is all that we see and fight
But a mare within a night?
This shit,s opened my eyes!! Were doomed man!
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having bleeding eyes
having your childhood raped
and having a shrock at the same time
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oh, and titanium...
...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.•´
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oh by the way i thought i saw a smurf or a few by the pile of shit and piss by the pink dragon thing
......................,/ ¯..//
...................../..../ /
........('(...´(.. ´......,~/'...')
.......... ''...\.......... _.•´
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. . . my god . . .
A lot of people will have seen worse than this, but this is quite a work of art.
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there are some awesonme pics out there
that are 1000 times better than this cap!
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Sometimes I love you guys... not often, but sometimes.
Happy Halloween!
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only thing i can ask is where are all the fluids coming from, theres so much >_>
You also featured a very pathetic and grotesque pic on Halloween and STILL left the poll up. I'm pretty sure people are voicing their opinions by clicking "screw you" because of your current feature.
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If you look at the meerkat, for instance, and the brilliant contrast in the green and white essence being spewed from its anterior cavum... you notice that the trajectory is unique, and paints the dull brown beneath with intriguing patterns, which insofar as the overall theme is concerned, I have not yet found a meaning thereto.
9.9/10 stars!
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Far Left - Pandora
Here we have our canid captive in chains, currently generating a foul mixture of sources in her stomach to the point where it's bloated outward into a massive bag of flesh. A multitude of worms and slugs are flying from her maw while a diarrheac sludge erupts from her rump. In addition to being excessively hairy and sweaty, she's a bit hyperphallic, though it's hard to see it given that it's hiding behind her butt 'n gut. Oh, and those're maggots coming from her tits.
Left - Cassie
Presently on all fours and cursed beyond help, she's presently defecating a mutated form of rotten egg that cracks open into equally rotten fish, though some of them are live. The yellowish-sludge you see from her sex (and most of the same color of the image) are maggots, which are also gushing from her enlarged toes just a little. To top it off, the sweaty dragoness is choking up whole turds onto her little friend down there...
Middle - Timon
Camouflage, much? Never eat strange bugs, buddy. Though they're buried beneath the filth, his toes have swollen and produce a crude sweat, and he's vomiting a mixture of his own sperm and worms. He's enjoying himself a little too much, releasing a massive fart alongside a powerful orgasm. Seems he's gotten a bit pudgy, too.
Bottom Right - Wile E. Coyote
Always a charming fellow, holding up his batty friend like that, not to mention he bothers turning his head to the side to throw up rotten milk and earthworms. Must be the new ACME surgery. Whole slugs gush from his bottom while maggots gush from his swollen overbloated feet, creating piles beneath him. What's more, he's currently plowing and cumming into...
Bottom Right - Rouge the Bat
... Rouge's rump. Drunk with pleasure (as well as inebriating mutant serums) and perhaps the most enamored with the situation, our femme fatale is presently being plowed by Mr. Coyote while vomiting slugs and defecating from her cunt. Hair has sprouted on her maggot-gushing tits while she's rained upon from above by our next captor.
Top Right - Lexington
Though fond of science, science is even more fond of him! As a personal test subject, he's found himself suspended in the air and grafted with two additional penises, so caught up in the moment that he ejaculates wildly, vomiting a coffee-esque worm-laden spew over his body. These are not his only new additions; as slugs fall out of his anus, his arm-pits have become make-shift anuses for whole logs to spew forth, and topping it all off, his navel now erupts in a geyser of raw liquidated shit.
This is indeed worse than any form of lolicon or shotacon.
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sad really, this > orc rapist
Also, as many of you have said... "where's my flamethrower" ... "Burn it" ... "Kill and bury the artist" etc.
This is beyond that, all of it. Far beyond it.
I have two words for this pic:
Carpet. Nuke.
That's right, you heard me. Not a nuke, not a carpet bomb, a CARPET NUKE. As in, 50-100 nukes dropped in a carpet bombing pattern.
So far, this is the only thing I can come up with strong enough to fully purge this filth.
Good luck.
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We could totally use moar by the way. *hint hint*
Finally, a pic for EVERYONE! And just in time for the election - a bipartisan enema of unbiased disgust. United we our own filth! Divided, we merely deny it (the filth that is)! For it never ends even when we die , for we will merely rot. Unavoidable, like taxes...
The truest pic here on Rule34!
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Yeah, you wish.
Jeb said it best now i think ill hiro
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S H E E H T ! ! !
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As for commenting...
i couldnt agree more with anon 44, 87, shoda, 105, 115, 119, 195 and criscojones.
after i finish this comment, im gunna shoot myself to death with morphine.
and as last remark. after seeing this and seeing why it was put in here... ... ... i hate halloween
only a man with BALLS OF TITANIUM can get a boner.
only a man with BALLS OF DIAMOND can fap this.
only a man with BRAINS OF SHIT can likee this.
i suck yo dick?
I wonder what trick and treat would have given us...
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Anon296 - I love Scatman John
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Trick: 10% (1049)
Treat: 23% (2335)
Fuck you: 67% (6765)
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This is why I fucking come here.
Most sites, when they go for porn, they just go missionary consensual m/f humans. Changing even 'one' of those is enough to qualify as a niche market.
Now, this site? The number of pieces that aren't any of the above are more common than the ones that are all of the above. It's fucking incredible. This is a truly niche market, and in one such as this, you can find anything.
And even if you can't fap to it, you can at least chortle at how horrendously fucked up it is.
People talk all the time about how you shouldn't learn sex from porn, because porn is idealized sex, where women prostitute themselves to the cable guy at the drop of a hat, penises are eight inches minimum, and so on. Those people would be amazed to discover this image.
You think finding a bisexual women with decent cleavage is unrealistic? Half of the women here have two exercise balls shoved into their bras and dicks longer than their arms. You think furries are odd? These people are shitting and puking through their nipples. You think people who have sex for pizza is silly? Half of these people have it virtually round-the-clock.
That's why I love this site.
It's not afraid to be really, really out there.
Goddmammit, I''ll have nightmares for a week thanks to this
Holy fuck, can you even load a Paheal thumbnail page with your dial-up way back there in 1992? It's a fucking chore to find something that isn't interracial anal gape porn that starts with a deepthroat until she pukes.
"Let this picture fright!!!"
(Starts drinking bleach and rat poison.)
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and this pic... a wonderful mindfuck.
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Hard to believe it's been almost 9 years. Still funny as fuck.
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But I agree this picture is garbage!