Anonymous5: This guy will never release the full version of this, and even if he does, it won't be worth over a fucking year. It'll be like what, a 5-10 minute clip? People make standalone games faster than this guy makes animations.
Anonymous10: It was okay in the end. Idk I didnt really touch myself to it or anything since there wasn't any super hot parts, and then like 2/3 way through the sex just stops and you start to wonder if you were even watching a porn parody or a fan-made SFM zombie drama. Didn't expect that. It didn't get that erotic (and I'm not usually turned off by this kind of stuff) and the sex very quickly devolves into assault, which is then followed by the girl's depressed afterglow where she steals from this guy she just murdered's car and drives it away leaving his body behind. I feel no sympathy for either character, in the end they were both cunts. One was a rapist, the other was deceiving the rapist from the beginning. But, the animation and rendering were superb so for people that are fans of this kind of parody maybe it was a really good video. For the technical aspect alone I would usually say "worth the wait" but I did first see a clip of this video roughly TWO YEARS AGO so... it wasn't what I was hoping for after all that time but I was still decently impressed. So yeah, in conclusion, if sms has a SFW page or anything like that someone please comment it I would probably prefer to watch that kind of stuff from him rather than really dry and hardcore intercourse for 20 minutes. ???/10
Anonymous13: The full video wasn't as fapworthy as I thought. However that shit was fucking art as a whole and I don't mind that it took that long to make.
Anonymous14: For those looking for the full video:
hes just living off the patreon tards
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You're welcome!😜