Anonymous1: The art is really great, i wish you would draw some TG girls one day like eto or touka, since you recently been doing straight stuff and they are great tbh.
Artist been drawing juzo alone for a while, but recently started doing female stuff from a number of series and they been good shit, so i was hoping one day they would do a TG girl since they are already familiar with the series and are passionate about drawing it, could be a passion for juzo alone, but oh well, it's a dream...
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: actually cum is stored in the prostate, the sperm that goes inside cum is stored in the balls. So he can still cum, just he cant get anybody pregnant
One day...
Even tho this might be cross dressing or rule 63, Its still a male.
Artist been drawing juzo alone for a while, but recently started doing female stuff from a number of series and they been good shit, so i was hoping one day they would do a TG girl since they are already familiar with the series and are passionate about drawing it, could be a passion for juzo alone, but oh well, it's a dream...