Anonymous2: @DanteHicksIsKool78 can you stop with the whole "butting into dipper's life" thing in every goddamn art with Mabel in it? We fucking get it, don't you have anything better to do?
DanteHicksIsKool78: @Anonymous: And also for once in your life time, Will you stop acting like such a jackass. Because Valentine's Day is coming on Friday, Even get a girlfriend. But a very sexy one!
mysqeedlyspoochisdead: *sees thumbnail*
hmm this looks like a really hot gif of wendy
*starts watching gif*
haha oh yeah i can totally get into thi-
*rest of the gif plays*
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- Reply
- Reply
hmm this looks like a really hot gif of wendy
*starts watching gif*
haha oh yeah i can totally get into thi-
*rest of the gif plays*
- Reply
@Anonymous: also agreed.
@DanteHicksIsKool78: I stole his girlfriend.
@mysqeedlyspoochisdead: me: sees thumbnail. Hot. Sees gif. REALLY hot. Sees rest of gif, hooked.