ConsciousDonkey: She didn't get a very good role in The Shining movie though, she was basically a dumb housewife who managed to avoid being killed mostly by luck. In the book, she was much stronger and willful person who sucessufully fought with her husband's alcoholism and inner demons.
Anonymous14(13): @Anonymous: Blame the genius admin who 1. thought deleting an image because of comments makes sense and 2. didn't notice he was deleting the featured image.
Anonymous26: @Anonymous: And there is anon, the destroyer of threads.
Still cannot believe last feature image was deleted because some persistent ban-evading spammers and shitposters. As if this site wasn't used to dealing with this kind of thing for over a decade.
Anonymous29(13): @Anonymous25(17): Thanks, dude. Now I finally get it.
@Anonymous26: This is the same site that went and deleted a person's entire tag because of loli, because the advertisers bitched. The IQ is not high at the top.
Anonymous39: I don't care if Cameron Boyce is dead. I'm gonna bust a nut every night imagining my cock forcing itself down his cute little throat pussy. My only regret is that I never got to humiliate his mouth and cute little freckled butt with my dong. He is my boyfriend and I'll make sure to jerk off to him every single day. We're puberty pals.
Anonymous46(13): They tried to kill Trump. Get ready for the boogaloo I guess. I'll join whichever side isn't run by Jews... so I guess I'm sitting it out.
Anonymous51: @Anonymous: If you truly believe this then repent. You have enough time to repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. Just know that he loves you and any and all rebukes of The Father’s children can be taken back but forsaking The Mother will surely land you in Hell. The advocation for the killing of life due to illusory differences can be construed as an attack against The Mother as through her we have made it to this point. Do not step in the way of The Holy Spirit and rend those people you see as inferior. Turn to The Lord now.
IffrytusMasakado: @Anonymous50(13): was it a mossad psy false flag mk ultra manchurian orgasma lizard nephilum stinger missile attack by the hidden watchful eye of the horus omega jews?
Anonymous55(13): @IffrytusMasakado: Just the Mossad and Jews part. You're not trying to deny the obvious that every level of the US government and economy is run by and subservient to Jews, are you?
IffrytusMasakado: @Anonymous55(13): was the shooter a homunculus from george soros' secret research lab packing a kishke eraser 9000 with anti-caucasian material rounds
Anonymous60: @Anonymous: Dammit Grampa, you're SUPPOSED to take your pills daily. You know your schizophrenia is severe! Come on, let's get you back to the Funny Farm.
Anonymous61(60): @Anonymous: What's the worst they can do if they did? Say the same brainrot and call me a lizard? lmao What do I care if they see this or not?
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous67: I would hope no one. I'm sure there's like one or two sick fuckers who have probably fapped to it though. People can fap to ANYTHING.
Gallows187: with the number of dead celebs in the past week, you guys wouldn't be able to keep up even if this site hadn't gone to fuck more than a decade ago. Poor Trump went from fucking girls who looked like his daughter to sucking the dick of a guy who looks like his son. Biden's been hard on all of us.
Anonymous95: @Anonymous79(78): STFU You piece of trash. You and the rest of these spammers are whats wrong with this site, spewing out irrelevance every chance you dumbasses get...
Anonymous100: wow, a classic paheal feature for a change. admittedly it can't shock and amuse the next generation who have grown up with man made horrors that is our everyday life now, but its a nice throwback.
Anonymous110: @Anonymous109: a Jew ass hates White people and culture, wants to import savages from the third world, and cries antisemitism when you criticize it or speak the truth.
Anonymous112: This is funny and all, but when will this shit stop hanging on every page? It's always there and it keeps turning me off whenever I'm looking for something.
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Just gotta keep this song in mind for now...
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@Anonymous17: Can I have some of what you're smoking?
Still cannot believe last feature image was deleted because some persistent ban-evading spammers and shitposters. As if this site wasn't used to dealing with this kind of thing for over a decade.
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@Anonymous26: This is the same site that went and deleted a person's entire tag because of loli, because the advertisers bitched. The IQ is not high at the top.
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to the flag
of the united states
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It's also funny furries get nearly last billing on that.
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Just remember, nothing on the TV is real.
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But this one is fine. Just the right amount of disturbing to keep the newfags away. Keep it for a while.
I'm not listing mine... it would be as good as doxxxxxing myself. I'll list 3 highlights from lower on the list:
Beast Boy
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Literally, it has been much worse.
@Anonymous89: Yes, a majority of the country will be first to go.
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