DisneyPrince: There is such a disparity in the availability of gay v. straight stuff on Rule34.. Please don't whinge if something isn't to your liking.
Anonymous12: The creator of bigmouth advertises his show via badly drawn porn on rule 34 sites. Since all his characters are literally just his self inserts, to the point where they all have his face, this makes him the most narcissistic faggot on Earth.
Anonymous20: @Anon 4,14,15 and 20 yet here you fucking idiots are policing peoples porn habits on this site of all places, want to talk big about brainrot and shit, might want to try some intropection, you don't even have the excuse of liking the stuff, so why are you even here?
Anonymous22: @Anonymous: I love how you say that with total judgement yet probably have no problems with literally murdering babies before they're born or shooting people to death who are trying to cross the border. Theres a difference between cartoon porn that helps keep pedos at bay from choosing to fulfill fantasies and attractions they cant help having (pedophilia is a natural occurrence that can't be helped, its psychological so don't judge someone for something they can't control) and this is better than creating or looking at the real thing because it literally hurts NOBODY. So get off your fucking hypocritical high horse and just GTFO if you dont like it you narcissistic, Tar-Hearted, unempathetic Troglodyte.
Anonymous24: @Anonymous: abortion isn’t murder you stupid swine. they’re just a bunch of cells, and what if someone gets raped, huh? you only think about yourself, don’t you? you think abortion is worse than pedophilia? then go kill yourself.
Anonymous31: It's hilarious how people come to rule34 to argue about morality on big mouth fanart.
If you care that much about doing right how about you close r34, leave your mom's basement and go work at an animal shelter something
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If you care that much about doing right how about you close r34, leave your mom's basement and go work at an animal shelter something