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Anonymous1: I'm Going To Murder Mineta And Whoever Drew This *Loads Grenade Launcher*
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Good job giving the artist exactly the reaction they were after, your empty rage has solved nothing besides giving solace to the person who angered you.
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Anonymous3: Hey, at least he actually waited. Unlike a surprisingly large portion of this website.
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Anonymous4: I can't wait to put my dick between Eri's big boobs
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: Haha mad much? and I don't care if Mineta is fiction he doesn't deserve to get Eri like this so fuck off moron.🤔😑🖕.
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Anonymous6: wtf is this comment section? I came here to fap, not laugh hysterically.
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Anonymous7: My boy Mineta finally got some ✊✊
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: funny how the guy who searched eri on r34 think mineta he's creepy while the said guy is creepier
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Anonymous9: If Eric grew up, why does Mineta look exactly the same?
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: hes just small
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: ye he got a lil 'stache and beard lol
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: Iswear the pervy grape needs to be launched to the kuiper belt and get hit with about 100 asteroids
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Anonymous13: What the fuck is up with these comments man.
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Anonymous14: The last thing Mineta heard before being blasted into low orbit was two voices. One yelling out "POWEEEEERRRRR!" and the other yelling "DETROOOOOIIIIT... SMAAAAASSSHHH!!"
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous5: Right, that Purple Jackass deserve get his ass kicked by in Norman Stansfield's words, "EVERYONE!"
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Anonymous16: this is fine and all but get the purple grape fuck out of here lol no but my honest opinion is it's great