Anonymous2: @Pyroking: this is how the artist made her and that is their fetish no one is getting hurt by except for your sensibilities it seems. And no one is trying to excuse anything its a fact. If drawings bother you that much then what the hell are you doing on a rupe 34 site
Pyroking: @Anonymous: Apologies. It's just that a lot can be learned about the artist from his/her work. And, considering the child-porn thing here is quite blatant, that implies some...disturbing things.
Anonymous3(1): @Pyroking:its not child porn there no children involved in the creation of this piece if you thing that a drawing is equal to actual children beign violated and exploited then my friend you have a very big problem. This is a drawing, no children were harmed during its creation and no children are beign harmed by it beign here
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@Sabbs: Then again, that isn't outside the realm of possibility MUCH LATER ON WHEN SHE'S OF AGE, GUYS.
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