imnottalentedbutidraw: @wiserainbowtoad Women are ignorant, pathetic fucks. And the one here seems like an attention whore. I would love to cut her throat and fill her inside with my shit. It would be so good. Oh, and you're also a dumb ignorant brainless fuck for saying women are queens.
photosynthesizer: @imnottalentedbutidraw: lmfaoo, faggot incels will say this and then wonder why girls don't talk to them. I hope you aren't being serious.
Anonymous3: Laundering drug money wasn't exactly ever hard, not in small amounts. Did you guys talked to people in the banking field, over there? We moved money when banking sector in Eastern Europe was shit, there are always ways, and I mean legal ways. I am personally not an expert, but some people are, so I hope that you've consulted them. There are ways if you look.
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