Anonymous2: Why the fuck does this kind of "aRt" need to exist?! I don't ducking understand the minds of people who see this, see the decapitated body being fuck and say "Oh tHaT's hOt" with the blood and cum coming from her stump of a neck! I just... Just... I Fucking give up on people. I remember there was a purge of "underage" art on here a couple years ago (which deleted an awesome cyoa in the comments of a pic of Clementine from the walking dead game being fucked by a dog) which I will never forgive them for doing! And this shit is allowed to stay, along with pictures that actually depict characters that are LITERALLY shitting or vore-ing (is that right? Vore-ing?) Other characters! I FUCKING GIVE UP ON THIS PLACE AND HUMANITY IN GENERAL!
Anonymous5: Senko, is fucking hot. I love Senko hentai. But this? Whoever drew this I will find you when we both go to hell and I will tell Satan to put a log up your ass
Anonymous8: I love how the artist most likely doesn't know shit about the anime,if this really happened nakano would beat some ass or senko would smite them or use her fox fire or straight up go through the floor, I'd also like to mention that they have neighbors
BCGuro: @Anonymous: I have in fact watched the anime, and Senko was my fav girl of the years anime. That's why I drew her :p
And we can just imagine they got the drop on her or something lol.
Anonymous15(14): Delicious Destroy this bitch Cut her body with a knife Remove some organ and chew
Fuck the guts
pulls the organs out,
fuck the brain Her..
Anonymous39: Yeah, I think I found a reason to just fucking kull myself, life has been hard and suicide and jacking off have just been the only things I'm able to do, but now I just feel like dying. Fuck the people who think this shit is hot, fuck Anonymous 15 (who's also Anonymous 14), fuck the artist, I'll see y'all in Hell. Good fucking riddance.
Anonymous44: @Anonymous: I will hunt down the artist and torture them. I will end them. This shit is BEYOND fucled up. Who the hell gets of on this shit!? Anyone who jacked off to this needs to be wiped from the face of this earth. You people are disgusting, I despise you! You disgusting must be purged from this earth and sent to hell to rot for eternity!!!!!
Anonymous45(44): @Anonymous: I apologize anonymous5, I was unaware that my comment was a reply to your comment. It is in no way directed at you, and as you can clearly tell, I agree with you
Anonymous46: Yall don't gotta look at it to like it lmfao. Just ignore. It's rule 34 for a reason, no limits set. Not that I support this but seriously what did y'all expect when you read "if it exists there's porn of it"
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And we can just imagine they got the drop on her or something lol.
Fuck the guts
pulls the organs out,
fuck the brain Her..