Crimson-Snow: This is a great crossover but the only thing I don't like is that this guy made Kenshiro have girly looking eye lashes and Kenshiro doesn't have those. All in all it's a decent pic though , maybe it's Ken in more of a Sailor Moon type art style lol.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: How about instead of talking shit about Kenshiro you go watch his series twink? None of the scum weaklings who are afraid to take a life you call heroes would exist if not for Kenshiro paving the way, his series predates and influenced even dragon bitch z
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Well good for you you have shit taste. The characters feel real and the series has a realism and humanity that no series can ever come close to touching. So tell me what anime do you like huh? Go ahead and tell me the oh so brilliant and well written piss you consider goof.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Perhaps if you got past more than a few god damned episodes and gave it half a fucking shot you'd get into it but if you see masculine men murdering each other and the most baddass mother fucker in fiction wrecking every mother fucker who fights him and making them his god damned bitch you apparently get offended because it's not scrawny twinks or little kids who are afraid of women as main characters.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Well tell me go ahead and tell me what series you like. Look asshole anyone who's watched and read all of it gets what I'm talking about it's just the pussies today can't face what it is they just can't face what it is and it's massage of not holding hands and singing songs together.
Anime of today is GARBAGE and there will never ever be anything else like this series as long as moe faggotry , isekai trash and harem's with scrawny kids who are afraid to get pussy are the norm. Stuff like HNK and Berserk will never have anything new that comes close to the level of realism and humanity in it's characters and it's because of your kind that this is the way it is. It matters not though because those of us who love these series will always be around and the legions of fans will never ever let this legend die. Go ahead and tell me the abject filth you consider good anime.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: You know what I mean like say Killua for example are the type of characters you usually see in newer anime they all look the same and most act the same.
Crimson-Snow: Well maybe not so much Killua but I don't like his look ( there's a reason 99 % of porn for him is gay stuff ) but like the types of mains you see today are all to chicken shit to kill a bastard when they deserve to die and they have no realistic range of emotions compared to Kenshiro. Get through a lot because he isn't just stoic all the time but is an extremely realistic feeling character. Also use Guts from Berserk as another example of the type of character i think is a good main or Ryo Saeba too. Teenagers who can't kill anyone and are chicken shit around the opposite sex are tired and boring. We need adult males as mains again and ones that are not afraid to be politically incorrect.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: HAHAHA " old shitty Jap cartoons " I pity you for that ignorant comment because you just don't get it and never will. Ok then dip shit tell me what you do like if not anime. Cue you being a marvel or d.c fag or cod fag or some other white boi piss and hick shit.
Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Also the killing aspect was not what I liked so much about HNK ( I mean I loved it because you don't see it in new shit ) but what I liked was the way the characters were portrayed and how they felt and what they showed us. The dumbest people never see past the gore in any of these types of series and think the medium is as you said " overemotional " hahaha.
Crimson-Snow: Kenshiro suffers loss and constantly losses those he cares about but pushes forward in order to bring peace. He endures countless hardships for the sake of those he loves and is unlike standard shonen heroes he will kill if he has to and will enjoy doing it. HNK is all about love and the good in humanity overcoming the evil and cruelty and many important villains get redeemed and show realistic human feelings.
As for Berserk it's hard to explain it's appeal to a layman who doesn't enjoy the medium. Berserk is all about one man's struggle to find himself and to protect what and who he cares about when every thing is stacked against him. The characters here also feel extremely real and we see a window into their soiuls. Casca feels like a real person.
Anonymous3(1): @Crimson-Snow: Sadly You are probably waisting your breath since he has decided all anime are bad. You also shouldn’t expect the typical anime fans to be able to enjoy the more adult series either. They want self inserts for characters and since they are otaku those self inserts aren’t going to exactly be cool or even likable. It’s sad but it’s true unfortunately.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Oh. Seeing how they had an issue with "masculine men" anime, I figured they were big into K-On, Love Live, or Cardcaptor Sakura.
Anonymous5(4): @Farfegnugen: Hahaha! It would make since but I think he just hates anime. I don’t get the hate for masculine characters honestly , I think Kenshiro is a better character than anything in recent anime.
Anonymous6(4): To anyone who thinks Ftns is just a violence anime or whatever fucking bullshit I give you this scene
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Anime of today is GARBAGE and there will never ever be anything else like this series as long as moe faggotry , isekai trash and harem's with scrawny kids who are afraid to get pussy are the norm. Stuff like HNK and Berserk will never have anything new that comes close to the level of realism and humanity in it's characters and it's because of your kind that this is the way it is. It matters not though because those of us who love these series will always be around and the legions of fans will never ever let this legend die. Go ahead and tell me the abject filth you consider good anime.
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As for Berserk it's hard to explain it's appeal to a layman who doesn't enjoy the medium. Berserk is all about one man's struggle to find himself and to protect what and who he cares about when every thing is stacked against him. The characters here also feel extremely real and we see a window into their soiuls. Casca feels like a real person.
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