Anonymous1: So regarding the loli an shota stuff, if you ask me it's best for everyone to just ditch this website, archive anything that you find here as much as possible (because there's a lot of irreplaceable art here) and repost it on other platforms that are more than willing to accept said content.
This website is going down the toilet and it's best to let it die at this point. It's amazing how loli and shota is now the problem but there's still a ton of guro and scat content here anyway.
Anonymous2(1): @TinyToonFan9: Well me personally I don't really care for guro or scat, this is inevtiable when you come to these hentai websites.
Though if you ask me, someone needs to create an archive website where people can post all kinds of porn art so that they can be preserved and never become lost then.
Basically like the Internet Archive only no take down requests, ever.
Anonymous3(1): @TinyToonFan9: Yeah but they're now cracking down on artwork that appears to be a loli or a shota anyway. Since there's no loli or shota tags here they're asking people to report any images that is said content then.
Go fuck yourself. Did you learn nothing from a few years ago? When you promised you wouldn't purge an entire artist's work again?
It's YOUR JOB as staff of the site, if you REALLY don't want that sort of content on here, to make it clear. Not to make it very nebulous what is and isn't allowed on here, and to nuke an entire artist's tag just because a lot of what they upload is loli. This image proves that there was content they drew that ISN'T loli, and yet you nuked it anyway because you were too lazy to manually delete all the loli images.
Anonymous5: yet another tag gone. there going one by one. ive been backing up stuff and posting to all the fallen. and any website that alows this. its only a matter of time before he purges the entire site of loli and shota.
Noka: @Anonymous: Dude, go fuck yourself. Even if you're for loli and shota content being gone, that doesn't change the fact that wiiaboo is going about it the worst way possible. Promising to never nuke artist tags fully...and then turning around and doing so anyway years later as if no one will notice. And even nuking non-loli content because he was too lazy to sift through the artist tag himself and get rid of the stuff he didn't want on here.
DuffMan_EX: @Noka: I don't know what's going on with Wiiaboo, but the guy clearly can't run the site anymore. He has a family and under constant stress or something. We really need someone who is more competent and has common sense to take the charge.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Paheal's servers were changed to the US district? Meaning under the US law, as long as none of the fictional porn involving minors are realistic in any form, including 3D renders, than there shouldn't be any issues under the rights of freedom of expression. None of conoghi's art, as far as I'm concern, looks remotely realistic in style and form, body proportions, etc. Wiiaboo is just making irrational decisions for reasons unclear.
The site's rules even stated don't upload real and realistic kiddy porn. But with wiiaboo being a hypocrite, breaking promises, and making unnecessary changes will cause paheal to go under the gutter.
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Someone nuked his tag even the ones that ain't even loli -_-.
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He knows this and it's sad.
This website is going down the toilet and it's best to let it die at this point. It's amazing how loli and shota is now the problem but there's still a ton of guro and scat content here anyway.
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Though if you ask me, someone needs to create an archive website where people can post all kinds of porn art so that they can be preserved and never become lost then.
Basically like the Internet Archive only no take down requests, ever.
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Go fuck yourself. Did you learn nothing from a few years ago? When you promised you wouldn't purge an entire artist's work again?
It's YOUR JOB as staff of the site, if you REALLY don't want that sort of content on here, to make it clear. Not to make it very nebulous what is and isn't allowed on here, and to nuke an entire artist's tag just because a lot of what they upload is loli. This image proves that there was content they drew that ISN'T loli, and yet you nuked it anyway because you were too lazy to manually delete all the loli images.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Paheal's servers were changed to the US district? Meaning under the US law, as long as none of the fictional porn involving minors are realistic in any form, including 3D renders, than there shouldn't be any issues under the rights of freedom of expression. None of conoghi's art, as far as I'm concern, looks remotely realistic in style and form, body proportions, etc. Wiiaboo is just making irrational decisions for reasons unclear.
The site's rules even stated don't upload real and realistic kiddy porn. But with wiiaboo being a hypocrite, breaking promises, and making unnecessary changes will cause paheal to go under the gutter.