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Anonymous1: xbox no longer launches anything exclusive
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Anonymous2: ^As a life long xbox player and fan, I can say with complete confidence that xbox is a fuckin cum soaked pile of steaming hot diarrhea garbage and no one should buy one of their consoles. After going through 2 xbox originals, 3 xbox 360s and 2 xbox ones, I'm fucking done. Xbox's motto should be "XBOX, Built to break!" Plus after other bullshit shenanigans I've had to go through with them like stealing about $460.00 bucks of downloaded games from me in the last 8 years, by removing them from my xbox and telling me that I never bought them and making me buy them again if I wanted to play them, and their painfully boring, blah and just downright colorless and depressing dashboard environment and finally just being bored out of my fucking mind trying to find something fun to play. Xbox has no games. I think most actual hardcore xbox fanbois are just dudes who's brains have been completely stunted by nostalgia. Apparently there's way more people than I thought who are completely fine with playing the same games they've been playing for the last 15 years, but now with a very shitty remaster, for the rest of their lives. And that's pretty much xbox. Don't feel like playing a shitty uninspired fps? Play a old nostalgic game you've already played 1,000,000,000,000 times in your life! I never thought that I would hear myself say something like this 5 years ago, but as a lifelong xbox guy, I've been so drowned in nostalgia that I never want to play an old game again. Especially since every triple A game since 2016 has at best been a major letdown and at worst an unplayable, uninspired, political propaganda piece, highway robbery, microtransaction filled scam, nostalgic old games are pretty much all I've been playing. Best bet, go with pc gaming if you can afford it. There's just so much more you can do on pc both in the way of games, community and the modding experience. You don't have to use mouse and keyboard on most games either. In fact since I've had xboxes most of my life I still mostly use what I know and play with a xbox one controller on pc. If you can't afford getting a gaming pc, I guess try for a play station. Although with them planning on raising the prices of their games soon, I'm not sure if I'd go there either. I'm currently in the works on saving up for and building a gaming pc and until they finally cave and start putting their games on pc like sony is planning to, I guess the only console I'll now have in my house is a nintendo one. Idk though. After being fucked over so much as a console gamer and especially an xbox one, my mindset right now is pretty much "Death to consoles, long live gaming pcs!" lol. If prices continue going up on gpus, cpus, ssds, motherboards and pretty much every other computer component, I might not ever be able to save up money for a gaming computer either. If that happens I might just have to give up gaming all together.... Things suck so fucking bad in the world right now.... Whatever. I guess giving up gaming wouldn't be that bad. Fuckin sucks.
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Anonymous3(2): Btw, if your an xbox guy and really love your xbox for reasons beyond me at this point, this is not an attack on you brother. I just got sick of getting shit on by microsoft and am done. Maybe you haven't had the negative experiences I've had as an xbox fan and for your sake I hope you never do. I mostly just hate the rabid cult fanbois that have tied in what console they game on with their own personal identity and soul and deify their brand and act like they're perfect with no flaws or issues. You know the people who relentlessly attack others for not liking the same thing as them, the guys whose favorite reddit forums are the incel ones and the guys whose favorite scent in this world is the smell of their own shit lol. You might also have noticed that I said when I play games on the pc I use a xbox controller but go on later to say I don't have a gaming computer and am saving up for one and worried I might never get one. Well I don't know how much you can call it gaming. I mostly play really low spec requirement free indie games I get on itch io on a really shitty 2017 dell home computer. I mean the damn thing doesn't even have a gpu, a ssd and only has 16gb of ram lol. So yeah. Well, now that my rant is over about how much I hate xbox/microsoft, I just hope whatever you game on, your happy. But I know I personally will never give microsoft one more red cent. I know where to get windows for free and I'm buying my games from steam lol. If I ever get the money to build a gaming computer....
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Shut the fuck up.