Anonymous4: Roge alweys have the bigest tittys of all the sonic girl xD she is soooo sexey i am going to get my girlefrend to dressed up as her and get to fuck me xD
Anonymous6: hehe how much you want to bet Sonic's best is three seconds flat. and for that matter... I bet the friction would be killer for them both... I seem to recall that Sonic's shoes are special shoes that keep him from getting a friction burn from the ground and air resistance... that were ironically made by Dr. Robotnic before he went evil and Sonic went blue...
Anonymous10: Wrong continuity Anon 6, but you probebly right about him having special shoes.
He has special comdoms as well? XD
Nah, I doubt even Sonic would enjoy fucking that fast.
Anonymous14: @Anonymous: Oh MY GOD! Anon 4 its me again WOW we ran into each other again!!!! Ahem as I said twice already dress up as Sakura and Naruto instead.
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He has special comdoms as well? XD
Nah, I doubt even Sonic would enjoy fucking that fast.
By-the-way the writing is HORRIBLE!!!!!!
By-the-way the writing is HORRIBLE!!!!!!
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