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Anonymous1: Hitler killed Millions of people and you fap to this! My grandpa is a jew and nazis would kill me because of that. Go to hell! R34 to Hitler shouldn't exist.
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Anonymous2: looks like somebody is new on here
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Anonymous3: It's called r34 for a reason
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Anonymous4: that's mel brooks disguised as hitler. jew, certainly.
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Anonymous5(3): God save this comment section
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Anonymous6: Jews around hitler 1944 colorized
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Nothing is sacred. Why do you come to a porn site dedicated to sexualizing ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING and complain about the fact that there’s porn of Adolf Hitler? “Adolf Hitler” is an element of the set “Everything.” What you’re doing is like taking your child into a strip club and demanding all the ladies put their clothes back on.
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Anonymous8: A@Anonymous: The Holocaust did in fact happen. it is the reason that half of my bloodline doesn't exist. Please go educate yourself, unless we learn from history, it will repeat itself. I don't want my future children and grandchildren to suffer the way my great grandfather did. He had to bear the fact that his entire family was sent to concentration camps before he fled to ecuador. If not for him, or me, learn the facts of The Holocaust so that it doesn't happen again.
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Anonymous9: Good thing too, last thing we need is more yids.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: go snort your grandpa’s ashes you brain dead kike