Anonymous1: @Nearphotison: he is very obviously meant to look like a child as well as act like a child. Justify it all you want, you're still into him because he looks like a little boy. Seek help
Nearphotison: @Anonymous: First of all, I'm not into him. But even I was, it'd be because he's a cute anime character, not because of some made up age applied to him.
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: No he isnt you retard I actually searched this character up they're a highschool senior who happens to be very petite and tiny. Honestly are you one of those retards who keeps trying to say the the uzaki chan series "supports pedophilia" even though it dosent.
Anonymous4: I like the art, it looks great. Only thing I have to say is the proportion of the feet, they're so small when they're close to the viewer. Other than that, it looks amazing.
Nearphotison: Yeah, the website's down for the time being. I'm trying to work with my host to get it back up, but I don't expect to hear from them until after the weekend. For now I'm posting to my old site: with the hopes I can put everything up on the regular site at a later date.
Anonymous8(6): @Anonymous: Hey, calm down, I understand that you do not like this type of content and that it looks like the worst garbage in history but for others it is fine (I'm not saying that I like this content but I'm simply saying that you should stop being a Hater and leave the others alone) I say if you are going to insult or refute something do it with solid arguments
Anonymous9: @Anonymous: haha, stupid christfag, hypocrite fapping away while preaching. I've french kissed quite a few underage girls. Sadly, havent been able to get any little boys yet. The trick is to mix a little alcohol in their juice😀
Anonymous15: Omfg, stop arguing about who tf is a pedo, it's a fictional character, it's not like they're molesting children here, just let people fap to which ever anime character they want
Anonymous17(16): @Anonymous: first of all, I can tell you right now it is 100% legal where I live, without any debate. Secondly, it's not real. Child protection laws protect children. What child was harmed here? None. And don't tell me "it makes pedos more likely to commit crime!" when child sex abuse at least in the United States is down like 60% since the 90s. Even if it did, I think adults ought to be responsible for what crimes they commit, and not artists that are using a healthy outlet. What argument is there for this being illegal or wrong again? Because you find it disgusting? You're allowed to do that without things being illegal or immoral.
Anonymous19: even if its an fictional character and with age 18, it looks pedophile, i even watch real cp. well, as @Anonimous18 no real children here is molested, thats right but just the minds of the viewers of shotacon & lolicon are consuming this porn and they know they are kids, also getting the subliminal (if the person dont think its pedophilia) or concious message of pedophilia anyway any form
Anonymous20(19): i personally think this isnt really illegal but its disgusting to others, excuses that say its an fictional characters and its 18 year old.. its just stupid that excuse, a fact but not for your mind
Anonymous21(19): excuses that say its a fictional character and the kid has 18, its just stupid. if its look like a kid thats all we have to know to define the drawing is pedophile. i think this isn't really illegal but its for their mind, also their minds may be changed for consuming this type of drawing and then watching real cp and then maybe commit something in real life (just possibility) and if is not illegal then shotacon & lolicon is disgusting to others
Anonymous23: @Anonymous: You’re actually fucking disgusting. Why are you supporting this shit in real life? I don’t gaf if people like this in fiction, but you need to have your fucking hard drive checked.
Anonymous24: I like this character, I hate how he's drawn, the shading is unnerving and the proportions are messed up. Also, people should stop fighting, go to twitter to argue, I'm here to talk about cock.
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