Anonymous1: Good animation and Alune's expression is great, but this isn't really my thing. Would like to see the animator do something a bit more female.
Anonymous3(1): @Anonymous: Oh it's great alright, just not my particular flavour of great. I don't find Aphelios or Ezreal to be QUITE feminine enough for my tastes.
Anonymous6: I mean they just went into a gif from Maoh King of Aphelios and Ezreal getting fucked and all they had to say is "not my thing" "Alune's expression is great".
Definitely Hetero, but at least they polite lad.
I feel that but in reverse the whole "wish they did more female stuff" that's me but with a metric ton of female focused artists U_U
Definitely Hetero, but at least they polite lad.
I feel that but in reverse the whole "wish they did more female stuff" that's me but with a metric ton of female focused artists U_U
Man that's how I feel about of alot of animators but in reverse, quality male focus animation is a rarity