Broshogun: I am also accepting request please send me the characters and poses by direct message (Twitter, Pixiv or here) so I can make your request :)
Broshogun: Remember that I do not speak English so if I have grammatical errors let me know, consider following me on Twitter:@Broshogun1, I am doing a contest for 2 persons to win a comic with the story or idea that you want (read the contest rules on my twitter).
Anonymous6: @broshogun I cant seem to create a pixiv or a twitter account. How detailed did you want the stories? I could post it here in the comments?
Anonymous7: @Broshogun: I cant seem to create a pixiv or a twitter account. How detailed did you want the stories? I could post it here in the comments?
Anonymous8: @Broshogun: Oh I meant more for the story contest you were holding on your twitter account. I cant create a twitter account. (No phone). But I posted the story idea [url=site:post/view/3919573]here[/url] for you.
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Good job matching the show's art.
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Mainly that it is a general idea, if you want something specific to happen tell me and obviously the fetishes you want