Crimson-Snow: For what it's worth I do prefer adult women obviously lol ( not to mention again I've not done anything ) I've talked about this before. I would NOT do anything because I could not be sure the girl would regret giving in. There's a difference between having an attraction to ALL beautiful women and girls and actually making love to a girl.
Anonymous10: For what it's worth, Gura did claim to be an apex predator. You people might want to accept that everything is someone's fetish and it should be fine as long as they don't actually hurt people.
Anonymous13: Holy Fuck I just got here because the thumbnail wasnt really visible and stayed to watch neckbeards having an argument on a porn site. Damn and i thought the picture itself is disgusting.
Anonymous15: Hey, the artist here, I cant create an account here for some reason but thank you for posting my work here, random person, i guess... Anyhow, damn it really created and dragged lot of drama to it didn't it? It really is just me depicting my fantasies and quenching my desires. Lol
Anonymous16: While I personally don't find this attractive, I know others do and respect their right to like what they like. Have a nice day, folks; here's hoping I was able to add a little positivity to this comment section.
Anonymous28: this is so wrong. sharks don’t focus on organs yah dunce. they eat the flesh and blubber. this is inaccurate to nature and i will not stand for it
(My mind kinda f*cked up now)
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Gura: "ehe!"
Paimon: "ehe te nandayo!?"
Gura: nomnomnom
In the perspective of a normal fucking human, this is not okie-dokie
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