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Uploaderhaha62, avatar
TagsMartha_Lorraine, Martha_Speaks, goonie-san
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Info1252x1952 // 238KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: >a furry caused a tragedy
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bonslee: @Anonymous: it was an American hero
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Anonymous2: you know why I'm here
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Anonymous3: Killing more blacks than whites is not a tragedy. Feature this image.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Kill yourself.
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Anonymous5: Redpill me on what you're talking about. Also anon4 is a niggеr.
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Anonymous6(4): @Anonymous: Feel free to take my advice as well, anon5.
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Anonymous7: Bruh, the artist is literally black and a BLM. So they can't really blamed for the mass shooting just because the shoot viewed their art. It's stupid
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Anonymous8: Based Furry
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: You say that as if you bitches are all a monolith and ideological schisms about who's the true Scotsman don't happen constantly
Anyways as someone with a non-zero chance of having read The Turner Diaries you should already know how the Day of the Rope was indiscriminate in its criteria of who deserved to be lynched so gtfo with your "muh false flag" bullshit
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Anonymous10: Lmao 💀 💀
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: well did he knew that?
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: off yourself attractive and successful African homo
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Anonymous13: >tfw you land a headshot
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Anonymous14(5): @Anonymous: As usual, the PaedoBear is out in force pushing the never-resist narrative. Fuck off, terrorist fed. I'm glad some people are taking up arms.
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: They're not wrong, more white people did die, and if you're invalidating their deaths for the few blacks who died over the whites then maybe you're the problem and maybe you're the racist. Hope you realize glowie is a meme there bud.
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Anonymous16(5): @Anonymous: Blatant fedposting.
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Anonymous17: >tfw jannies at rule34dotxxx closed the comments
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Anonymous18: So does this mean the shooter also had a fursona?
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WHERE ATLEAST I KNOW I'M- *gets shot by a glow in the dark furry*
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Anonymous20: built for BWC
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Anonymous21: Hi I'm Johnny knoxville and welcome to jackass
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SirCumalot: Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie!
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Anonymous22: I can bet at least half of the comments here were written by one person lmao
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Anonymous23: Kudos to rule34 paheal for not closing the comments or banning accounts like rule34dotxxx or e621. Their mods are retarded.
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Anonymous24(5): @Anonymous: This site is a little less autistic than the competition, yay.
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Anonymous25: @Anonymous: If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
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Anonymous26: paheal is the only site where the comments on this picture have not been shut down. kudos to paheal for not being a bunch of tranny janny cucks (yet).
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Anonymous27(25): Does anyone have the comments archived?
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Anonymous28: (*﹏*;)
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Anonymous29: @Anonymous:
lmao read the stupid ass manifesto that is half copied and pasted from the retard from NZ and half a detailed list of shit the government wants banned or regulated
or the discord server where he had a detailed checklist of what he was going to do and how he was going to do it which was up for months and months and had been reported multiple times to the PaedoBear and all the PaedoBear did was just say they were "monitoring the situation"
or how he kept telling people on discord what he was going to do, where he was going to do it and when
yep, glow in the dark feds were totally not involved in this one, alphabet agencies only do things like this to third world countries, not on my heckin' america!
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Zvantastika: @Anonymous: LOL
@Anonymous: They are also getting banned?, oof ~
@Anonymous: The fuck you mean "yet"?
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Anonymous30(5): @Anonymous: Americans are so cucked they think anyone fighting back is the enemy. Sad. This is why whites are dying out in America. No spine, just excuses and cowardice.
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Anonymous31: Subscribe to LeonardKimscoph on IFunny
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Anonymous32(7): @Anonymous: agreed!
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the_last_can: There's so much idocy surrounding this image that I think I've lost a couple of braincells just by reading this section.
It's an actual cursed image.
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Anonymous33: sneed
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Anonymous34: Hey hey wtf are y'all still doing here, im tryin to bust a nut go away
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Anonymous35(5): @Anonymous: Need a hand?
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BrieLarsonFan2004: I would fuck her so bad
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Anonymous36: I bet the feds gave him this as payment for carrying out their dirty work
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Anonymous37(19): I
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Anonymous38: this belongs in r/cursedimages
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degenerator: one for the history books
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Anonymous39: When the glowies start acting sussy
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Anonymous40: "Martha speaks needs me?"- Sam Hyde
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Anonymous41: "We need a total and complete shutdown of furry pornography until we can figure out what is going on." - Donald J. Trump
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Anonymous42(18): @Anonymous:
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Anonymous43(5): @Anonymous: e621 is run by tranny dildo salesmen.
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Anonymous44: Subcribe to Ballsackmcgee on ifunny
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Anonymous45: Hey guys, crogus from ifunny here, just wanted to say I blew my load to this fantastic picture!
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Anonymous46: cant beat my dick in the bread aisle in PEACE
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Anonymous47: Most dumbass comment section ive ever read damn
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Anonymous48: viewed this image while going to the grocery store, many people were shattered~ (literally) <3
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Anonymous49: we must defend the existence of our people and a future for talking dogs
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Anonymous50: You should all just die.
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Anonymous51(5): @Anonymous: We all will eventually.
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Anonymous52: Nvw yvv svv…
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Anonymous53: GushinGranny waz here
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Anonymous54: Furry Pride World Wide, Bitches. The Furries are running the show!
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Anonymous55(54): @Anonymous: The Artist should just An Hero and stop Chimping Out!
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Anonymous56(54): We must secure the existence of our Fursona and a future for Fellow Furries!
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Anonymous57: Why would Martha tell him to do what he did?
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Anonymous58: Subscribe to AntiCommunistAction on iFunny
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Anonymous59: Subscribe to the BertiestBertoftheBerts, and don't forget, our good friend Googas has been shadowbanned and must be frees! #freegoogas
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Anonymous60: ⠀ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⢟⣁⣠⣴⣶⣾⣿⣿⣿⣮⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢟⣭⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⢿⣿
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Anonymous61: This much discussion with fringe shit on furry porn proves why you attractive and successful Africans are useless and won't do anything. Work on improving yourself and start a family if you want to "save the white race" instead of being as subhuman as they come and trying to be heroes and icons for retards and fodder for alphabet agencies. Peyton is going to be used like a cocksleeve by Big Bubba in prison if he isn't executed and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Get your shit together.
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Anonymous62: We are not the same; you're glad the comments haven't been nuked because you can circlejerk about your cringe mass murder fantasies, I'm glad the comments haven't been nuked because it gives the admins a list of IP addresses they can produce when they're subpoenaed
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Anonymous63(62): @Anonymous: Occam's Razor: terrorist wypipo are uncreative as fuck and the feds don't give a shit about right-wing extremism when there's brown people to be suppressed, vs. *takes a massive hit of mescaline* it's all an inside job, brah, it's MK Ultra! Go check out Infow-*falls into K-hole*
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Anonymous64: Posting in legendary comment section
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Anonymous65: Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Jackass
*reads comment section*
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Anonymous66: Nice.
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Anonymous67: @Anonymous: The PaedoBear isn't going to subpoena e621 because martha speaks was in the livestream but that would be epic
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Anonymous68: Sub to Volkist on iFunny for more awesome furry porn
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Cihsk: user image
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Anonymous69: Martha was an average dog,
she went "woof!" and "bork!" and "Grrr"
Then she met glowie alphabet boys and what happened was bizzare
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Anonymous70: a very, VERY schizo thread. Also all of you need mental help.
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Anonymous71: Imagine being the victims of this shooting knowing that the person who ended your life looked at this before doing so
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Anonymous72: People are really whining because someone closed comments somewhere and then in the same section they write all sorts of racist shit. Get your shit together and kill yourself, your life is meaningless anyway.
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Anonymous73: I’d fuck the shit outa Martha.
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Anonymous74: Reading all the comments while looking at futa porn ads be like-
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Anonymous75(74): @Anonymous: cry more

@Anonymous: And you're a porn addict just like the rest of us.
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Anonymous77: @Anonymous: paheal commenters are secretly loud apes that never shut up and shit every which way

browse better websites
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nambona890: hey at least the comments section isn't locked unlike xxx and e621
and you don't get banned for commenting on it
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Anonymous78: LMFAO
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Anonymous79: SNEED
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Anonymous81: TND
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Anonymous82: I fucking love porn sites for their comments
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Anonymous83: I got a boner.
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Anonymous84: "Do it anon and I'll let you fuck my creamy tits"
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Anonymous85: the buffalo shooter looked at this. naaaaaah
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Anonymous86: 10 people were murdered for this?
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Anonymous87: When the Martha Speaks furry porn activates my federal training so I go and shoot up a random grocery store 4 hours away from home to sAvE tHe WhItE rAcE
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Anonymous88: @Anonymous: Fucking Mossad kikes aren't even trying anymore.
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Biggus__Dickus: @Anonymous: Speaking as one of the site's regular wise-asses, you're welcome.
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Anonymous89: So... Who wants groceries?
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Anonymous90: Kill attractive and successful Africans. Behead attractive and successful Africans. Roundhouse kick an attractive and successful African into the concrete. Slam dunk an attractive and successful African baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy blacks. Defecate in a attractive and successful Africans food. Launch attractive and successful Africans into the sun. Stir fry attractive and successful Africans in a wok. Toss attractive and successful Africans into active volcanoes. Urinate into a attractive and successful Africans gas tank. Judo throw attractive and successful Africans into a wood chipper. Twist attractive and successful Africans heads off. Report attractive and successful Africans to the IRS. Karate chop attractive and successful Africans in half. Curb stomp pregnant black attractive and successful Africans. Trap attractive and successful Africans in quicksand. Crush attractive and successful Africans in the trash compactor. Liquefy attractive and successful Africans in a vat of acid. Eat attractive and successful Africans. Dissect attractive and successful Africans. Exterminate attractive and successful Africans in the gas chamber. Stomp attractive and successful African skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate attractive and successful Africans in the oven. Lobotomize attractive and successful Africans. Mandatory abortions for attractive and successful Africans. Grind attractive and successful African fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown attractive and successful Africans in fried chicken grease. Vaporize attractive and successful Africans with a ray gun. Kick old attractive and successful Africans down the stairs. Feed attractive and successful Africans to alligators. Slice attractive and successful Africans with a katana.
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Anonymous91: its crazy how a fucking martha speaks porn image was apart of a shooting lmfao
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Anonymous92: @Anonymous: Next furfag shooter needs to have better taste.
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Anonymous93: I'll handle them, Martha..
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Anonymous94: I WAS HERE, I FOUND IT.
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Anonymous95: @nambona890 you are wrong. why did the jannies ban me for a false reason on my router then? i never made a comment on my main pc. pathetic how they care more about that d i g gir word than rather ban the race bait users who say it. how about the gore and scat they leave up forever and turn a blind eye to. by the way, the shooter who had this garbage picture on his phone, nobody died. it is fake as holocaust and sandy hook.
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Anonymous96(95): how about ban kennycomix who upload the end word then? your website is garbage and is retarded as a 4plebs pol janny
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Anonymous97: Martha speaks

Someone Listened
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Anonymous98: 10 < 1
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Anonymous99: image that makes you commit mass murder when you look at it

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