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Anonymous1: @Anonymous: i think you commented on the wrong site chief.
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Somedody's got to say it though. All support for him is edited and censored. The hypocritical heterophobic SJW creeps. It's ridiculous. I'm not even a Trump fan OR yank. But its disgustingly biased in the media. Incidentally - why the music which is absolutely spoiling great Francine animation ?
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Anonymous3(2): @Anonymous: LOL !!! It was that daft pop up ad music !!!! I thought it was this ! Whoops ! 😂😂😂😂😜
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Anonymous4: fuck off racist
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: shut up darkie
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Anonymous6(2): @Anonymous: Nothing between the ears with you. Maybe a month old dried dog turd. No brain to speak of
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Anonymous7: FFS, for once can I just rub one out without someone mentioning politics. This is a porn site, take your ideological differences somewhere more productive and that goes for all of you!!!