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TagsAnimaniacs, Dot_Warner, Hhrible, Wakko_Warner, Yakko_Warner
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Info1000x21000 // 1.6MB // png
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Anonymous1: I feel scared for dot
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Me too.
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Anonymous3: What the actual fuck? This is terrible. If you drew this because you wanted to draw it and only that, what the fuck is wrong in your retarded head? If it was to illustrate a point, maybe have her get revenge or go to court, etc.?
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Anonymous4: Hello
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Most of these people Are sick I agree with you What the thing is This is part of healing process I think they get help from a doctor who prescribed a medication that could help What happens if their off it for to long The act on if this might prevent that from happening it's not a bad thing But if they read it and it makes you feel like you should do this then that is the problem
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Glassfragment: I don't say this lightly. But words can't describe how much I hate this and how much the artist concerns me.
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the point is, you can romanticize irrestrict sexual conduct, even rape, but you feel outrage by seeing natural consequences of it
now, who is the one in need of help
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Decanter: Reminder that "violence" is not an acceptable reason to report an image, and trying it anyway may get you banned.
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Anonymous8: @Decanter: Good to see paheal isn't *completely* spineless, gg.
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Anonymous9(8): Hot. Dot deserves it tbh.
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: no she dosen't no one deserves this
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: *deep, deep, disappointed sigh* this is about the 1103769420666th time i've seen a dipshit like you make a comment on a post like this. just because YOU don't like the image doesn't mean EVERYONE ELSE has to hate it too. i'm not into it but that doesn't mean i'm gonna harass everyone who does enjoy it. so just shut the fuck up and look at something else.
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: I have not harassed or even mentioned the people who like this, outside of the artist. All I can say to them is get help. It would be irresponsible to just ignore that these images exist and are legitimately harmful. Loli abuse to near death and rape. I don't want to hear bullshit on how this isn't objectively horrible and sick. Also it's not like I won't stumble onto another image like this since this site has the worst tagging system imaginable.
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Anonymous13: This is so depressing. Wakko and Yakko would never. I literally teared up a bit when I saw her in the corner all night. 😭😭
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leacheate_soup: @bonerific: I stringed individual images into one specially for your enjoyment.
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Noka: @Anonymous: "At this point, what even is deleted?" Anything that isn't porn or rule 34. Dot is getting fucked here, therefore it's porn. You may not like the content, but you'll have to deal with the fact that it doesn't break any rules, you cry baby.
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Anonymous14: get real pdicological help bitch, you are sick!
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Anonymous15: couldnt see the image. clicked on it. i dont like it. but unlike a lot of you, im not gonna complain. we are all visiting a site that has images of guro, snuff, vore, torture, body horror. pictures of girls and guys of ALL ages being sliced up as they get raped, or killed and their corpses violated, or putting their own body parts on a deep fryer to be served like a giant turkey on a platter, or being eaten alive cause wrong place wrong time. this image and the others like it, are no worse than those. you dont like it, leave the image, find one you like. if the site deleted every image someone hated for some reason, there wouldnt be anything on the entire site! and dont respond to this remark with "attractive and successfull african i am not reading all that" it gets annoying and is petty and a lame excuse to not wanna see the truth. you dont like something on here, move along to the next image until you like it.
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Anonymous16: anon20 is the hero we all need but don't deserve
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Anonymous17: @leacheate_soup: Lmao, I knew they would respond to the only comment that isn't pointing out of sick of a person they are
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Anonymous18: @Anonymous: and you achieve the same
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Anonymous19: That's Dark
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Anonymous20: Please publishes your shit in thatpervert or just keep it as a reminder that you are mentally ill
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Anonymous21: Sadly what is seen cannot be unseen
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Anonymous22: @Anonymous: How about you don't go searching for images to get angry about?
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DieInAFire: I wish this guy would come back and make more shit.
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Anonymous23: enfermo
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Anonymous25(24): @DieInAFire: I wish you could stfu and kill yourself
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Anonymous26(24): @Anonymous: Why… why would you click on it…
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Anonymous27(24): @Anonymous: Doesn’t apply to this shit. Everyone knows this shit is sickening to the asshole
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Anonymous28(24): @Anonymous: *YOU deserve this*
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Anonymous29: Hey, guys. If I was in the comic, would you like to know what I'd do???
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Anonymous30: A good old fashioned brothers raping
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Anonymous31(29): Anon 30. Heya.

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