Anonymous7: so things like ben 10 and Porkyman will be delete soon? ben, gwen, misty, may are loli and shota arent they? Its funny because you will have to delete 80% of paheal...
Anonymous19: anon7- those are probably gonna stay. I think with toddlercon they're going to delete this like dora the explorer and ni hao kilan. don't see what the problem is with finding out which one goes where, lolicon meaning little girls and shota meaning little boys.
Anonymous40: I went from searching roxanne pics on google, to watching this and finding out what "rule 34" means. Now im hooked on this website and my lust for roxanne has nearly trippled. Does that make me a perverted sick fuck?
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oh and anoy15 sucked my dick and i fucked anoy16 sister
And then I LOLed.
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If Pauly Shore has done recently, this will get featured hopefully. Can this pic do the impossible: An animated feature?!?!
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...also, I hope that Dora STAYS!!! >:(
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thank you
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