jackrabbit: That brings up a point, though. Half-assed editor is half-assed for not editing the two Ariel pics and the "Dickgirl Princesses" logo. If dicks on girls upset you so much, shouldn't you remove those too?
Anonymous6: You guys complain to much as someone who is trained to do Photoshop work I can tell you it's not as easy as it looks and this guy did a grate job but I must admit not editing the book or by far the easiest part the logo is lazy.
evilpika: Normally I'd complain about this kind of edit, but the futa version was horrific, and this is a vast improvement. I think there should be a link back to what this was edited from though. >>406332
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Pic got 100% worse for not gay lurker.
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ok, maybe also a bit for the futa I WON'T LIE
The original/futa version was funnier!