Anonymous9: this image makes me think that gabi will get pregnant with eren, how would her blessing be?
1- obviously gabi would hate every moment pregnant and with the product of the person that ruined her life.
2- the product would be screaming and crazy as much or more than her parents.
3- How gabi and eren resemble each other exaggeratedly, which one would they resemble more physically?
Anonymous14: @Anonymous: we didnt search for this shit dumbass, its literally amongst the first results when you look up attack on titan porn or rule 34. You fuckers are sick and ill fucking kick your pedo ass in rl. Just try me you prick. Ill carve your skin amd make a jacket out of it. You cunt.
Anonymous16(14): @Anonymous: I wont just try it, ill do it notherfucker. Just name a place and where. Ill beat the the shit out of you,not even your mother would recognise you.
Kurachii: You know, i often see people hunt down pics like this one, and i wonder how they always know the age, even though half look 18+, and have to make fights in the comment.
It makes me think they get to these pics, jerk a few, then make others think they are bad for looking at young girls/boys.
Maybe it's such extreme kind of fans, who want to chase away others, just to have such pics for themselves.
Just like how some can't accept others having the same waifu or husbando, and feel obligated to say that character is theirs, and theirs only.
Yes, i've seen such comments, and no, i'm not joking.
Obsessive people can be dangerous, so glad this is just in the comments.
But sorry to say, obsessed ones, that you are jerking off together.
I know you're here from AOT: Linahposting
1- obviously gabi would hate every moment pregnant and with the product of the person that ruined her life.
2- the product would be screaming and crazy as much or more than her parents.
3- How gabi and eren resemble each other exaggeratedly, which one would they resemble more physically?
- Reply
It makes me think they get to these pics, jerk a few, then make others think they are bad for looking at young girls/boys.
Maybe it's such extreme kind of fans, who want to chase away others, just to have such pics for themselves.
Just like how some can't accept others having the same waifu or husbando, and feel obligated to say that character is theirs, and theirs only.
Yes, i've seen such comments, and no, i'm not joking.
Obsessive people can be dangerous, so glad this is just in the comments.
But sorry to say, obsessed ones, that you are jerking off together.