Anonymous000: @Anonymous: I have a question for you; is it racist to edit black dicks belonging to nameless, faceless males only here to provide the cock in the hentai, into white dicks
Anonymous6: Cringe. You could put these editing skills into fixing British Broadcasting Corporation shit instead of doing this. Your colonial ancestors would want you to BLEACH the delicious brown girls.
Anonymous11: Bro blac@Anonymous: Bro Blackwashing isn't a thing. "turning" a character black would become more inclusive since we have loads more white characters than black in the first place--- we're lucky we have Marina to represent beautiful melanated women and you all are literally turning her skin white for no absolute reason.
Are you literally that racist that you can't fap to a hentai pic of a black girl without you having to filter it?
Fuck attractive and successful Africans
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