Anonymous3: Anon 2, is because the girl being r*ped is a 12 year old child from a video game. Belive it or not, r*pe and p*deophillia is still r*pe and p*deophillia, go grt some help you sicko
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: I believe that rape and pædophilia are bad. Insanely progressive stance I know.
That doesn't mean I won't fap to fantasy versions of it.
I've got another crazy progressive stance: Killing people is also bad too, but I actually still played Metal Gear Solid. I know this may make me seem like a hypocrite, but it turns out that actually killing someone and playing a game that depicts it is compartmentalized in my head. I understand if you can't accept this explanation.
That doesn't mean I won't fap to fantasy versions of it.
I've got another crazy progressive stance: Killing people is also bad too, but I actually still played Metal Gear Solid. I know this may make me seem like a hypocrite, but it turns out that actually killing someone and playing a game that depicts it is compartmentalized in my head. I understand if you can't accept this explanation.