Anonymous6: @Alan369: @Anonymous: as much as I like getting free stuff he does have a point, the artists could be losing hundreds in revenue from people posting their content that is behind a paywall, this should not be supported. And it doesn't fucking matter if there is a DNP, the artist assumed his patrons would be decent fucking human beings and not leak it.
Anonymous7: @Anonymous: it falls on deaf ears. If anyone could request for someone else's content to be removed, it would just be abused too often. Whether you like this or not is irrelevant. Unfortunately, someone has to get the artist to request it down.
And while I agree with "don't leak private pics" also don't propagate the myth of lost sales. Most of the kinds of broke idiots that use or pirate patreon pics some other way were not gonna pay, and patrons who already do pay probably aren't gonna leave over it being available via piracy.
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And while I agree with "don't leak private pics" also don't propagate the myth of lost sales. Most of the kinds of broke idiots that use or pirate patreon pics some other way were not gonna pay, and patrons who already do pay probably aren't gonna leave over it being available via piracy.
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it's available now though