Anonymous3: Anon 1 - yeah you say that now...but if you ever got the chance to even touch breasts like that in real life i doubt youd say "im not a fan" not to even let alone be in the same room with a woman with that size-and see if you can even keep your eyes off'em.
Anonymous9: -_-; this isn't even Hentai. I am dissapointed in you internet, VERY dissapointed. Come on, wheres the threesome with Ryfia, Adele and L'arc?
Anonymous12(10): Two more days until this game has been out in English for two whole years. It's been out in Japanese for OVER three years already. WHERE IS THE GOD DAMN PORN?
Anonymous17: There was porn of the new fire starter in Porkyman within 15 minutes of the new games being announced. WHY IS THERE STILL NO PORN OF THIS GAME THAT'S BEEN OUT FOR SOMETHING LIKE 3 OR 4 YEARS!?!?!?!?!
Anonymous20: I found this one of Leslie. At first it was unmarked as Arc Rise and after leaving a comment about the character and game someone (who knew how to since I didn't) thankfully tagged it properly. Warning though, it is watersports related.
Anonymous21: Well, it's something. Why did it take so many years to get something that could be considered porn. I know this is an obscure game, but surely not completely unknown?
Anonymous23: Still no porn of this game. Is there some way we can contact paheal's mods and ask them to put a notification of this game's lack of 34 on the front page? I seem to recall a few years ago there was a notification about some obscure Disney characters that didn't have any porn yet.
Not really a fan of breasts THAT huge, but...
We need more Arc Rise hentai, WAY MORE...
Some Ryfia maybe? XD
No Ryfia? No Adelle? Only one pic of Leslie?
And on the subject of ARF 34, Simmah's attack will be drawn as a giant bukkake blast. Somebody's gonna do it someday. It is inevitable.
ARF was released in Japan THREE YEARS AGO, and yet there is still NOTHING except this one picture which doesn't really qualify as porn.
Where are the pictures of Ryfia fucking shadow rapists?
Where are the pictures of Cecille getting raped by monsters?
Where are the pictures of Leslie getting gangbanged by every named male character in the game?
Where are the kinky bondage pictures involving Adele doing unspeakable things to Alf with him enjoying every second of it?
Where are the assorted pictures of every named female character in the game with ridiculously oversized breasts?
http://a bullshit site/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1400004
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