Anonymous5: @Anonymous: damn, well, maybe the fact that theyre black and raping someone (regardless of being a Nazi or not) is the problem he is referring to?
Its stupid af to think this shit isnt racist because literally both races in this drawing are being negatively represented in a horrible manner.
Anonymous6: She is not white she is actually a jewish Woman pretending to be white and pushing this pathetic propaganda for cocksuckers like Antifa or BLM
Anonymous7(6): And yeah probably this was made by a White soyboy who loves black cocks in his ass and has white guilt or TDS either way most black people with a working brain don't fall into this cultist mindset and propaganda
Anonymous9: This was Made probably by an attractive and successful African cocksucker or a White soyboy in both cases should be noted that the whore who playa Stormfront is a pathetic jewish whore who pretends to be white so this is 2 monkeys raping a jew
Anonymous13: @Anonymous16(13) people like you deserve to die, if I had super powers I would do what A train did to Blue hawk but to you and everyone you love you racist piece of fucking shit, people like you deserve to die
Anonymous14(13): @Anonymous: Anonymous17: people like you deserve to die, if I had super powers I would do what A train did to Blue hawk but to you and everyone you love you racist piece of fucking shit, people like you deserve to die
Anonymous18: @Anonymous: You don't have a dick to suck faggot. Go back down in the basement and continue to get pegged in your sissy ass by your mom who also happens to be your sister. Fuck YOU Edomite F A G G O T
Listen to this.
Its stupid af to think this shit isnt racist because literally both races in this drawing are being negatively represented in a horrible manner.
Anyway #FuckBLM #fabulous and successful Africans
attractive and successful African = black
fabulous and successful African = black faggot
glowniggers = feds
PaedoBear = feds