Anonymous12: @Anon 11 Aria is not mentioned in either book, faggot. She's only in ME2 and the comic, in which she is blue. The green asari was only green because she had residual affects from the thorian, every asari is blue aside from that
Anonymous19: Aria finds out that her men are frapping off too rule 34 pics of her. "I told you about rule number 1!!!"
"Um... a. this is rule 34 aria" one of the grunts explains
"What the fuck is rule 34?" Aria asks confused
The men are shocked too hear this and jump up at her in rage and rape her. "RULE NUMBER 2. DONT FUCK WITH RULE NUMBER 34, WITCH OBLIBES TOO YOUR RULE NUMBER 1!" They all cum and a bunch of hanar rape her afterwards and then the normandy gets a blow job from omega station.... hey, anything can happen
CummanderShepard: i have a life, and in that life i masterbate too much. and by the way, "i'm cummander shepard and this is my favorite site on the internet."
Anonymous32: They say all Asari are shades of blue, but some are clearly purple. It's not just Omega's lighting either, since you see them on the Citadel and other planets.In ME3 she's blue, but purple-ish blue in ME2 and straight up purple in all the comics. I think you have Aria confused with someone else, Anon7/12. /Sperg
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Regardless Id like to see more Maleshep fucking Aria 34.
Also, fuck you anon16.
shes green because of being in contact with the thorian in ME1, its unnatural for an asari to be any colour other then a shade of blue.
"Um... a. this is rule 34 aria" one of the grunts explains
"What the fuck is rule 34?" Aria asks confused
The men are shocked too hear this and jump up at her in rage and rape her. "RULE NUMBER 2. DONT FUCK WITH RULE NUMBER 34, WITCH OBLIBES TOO YOUR RULE NUMBER 1!" They all cum and a bunch of hanar rape her afterwards and then the normandy gets a blow job from omega station.... hey, anything can happen
Plus, Anon 21 is a fag.
And I am rubber and you are glue.
Nice /34/. Appreciate, move on.
anon 24 is pro also 19 and 20
and its prob a 13 year old lil cunty with no life.
anon 23 is prob a wanna be jock
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But Aria is fair game. Bitch was asking for it.
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