Anonymous7: anon 2 and 3 you see, this is all we have been waiting for, straight content, if you just dont like it, its okay, just look up gay omori porn
the omori rule34 is full of it
Anonymous15: @Ihnele: And you aren't wrong lol. Why shipping Sunny with just one girl when you can ship him with the other three dudes? Or even the other way around? The possibilities are endless. It'd a shame if there was more straight omori content rather than the gay one tbh, luckily we don't live in that other dimension
Anonymous21: Why, as it stands, this is hardly something worth looking at... But worry no more, for I, SWEETHEART, know the perfect way to fix your art! Ahem. STUPID ADORING FANS! Replace the ugly girl with my perfect self and the scrawny boy with my beloved HERO *AT ONCE*!
RobedArt: @Anonymous: Ha ha! Idk about commissions, I'm just as poor as the next guy. But if you send me a msg here on rule34 or on twitter, I'd love to see your work!
RobedArt: @Anonymous: I like the idea, but redrawing Basil, or redrawing the entire picture is a lot of work ^^'. I'll keep it in mind, but I think my next drawing will be of Sweetheart and Capt. Spaceboy.
Ihnele: @Anonymous: >Says it's better than gay porn
>Proceeds to ask artist to copy said gay porn idea and composition but replacing the guy with a girl
Anonymous28: @Ihnele: >Assuming a foursome is inherently gay
>Bashing on others for having a preference
>When you butt in to loudly complain about Aubrey on pretty much all of her porn
Anonymous31(6): @Ihnele: Yo fucker, all you do is repost omori gay porn from twitter and you have the nerve to judge what other people jack off to.
Fucking disgraceful and pathetic, learn how much your opinion DOESN'T matter
Ihnele: @Anonymous: He literally said to "just" copy the picture, that's blatant plagiarism at this point, hets can't come up with their own ideas, just draw boobs on Basil to feel better about your sexuality eh? Fucking laughable.
"When you butt in to loudly complain about Aubrey on pretty much all of her porn"
Lmfao when have I done that? I literally come here to laugh at people like you, literally scroll up and you'll see people bitching at me unprovoked. Point out where I cried out that her porn exists. Pro-tip: you can't, anyway seethe, cope, dilate, etc.
@Anonymous: Neither does yours, shitface, and I don't care what your limp dick jacks off to, when have I told people to not jack off to Aubrey? Stop being so butthurt that not everyone's infatuated by the character you like.
Anonymous32: @RobedArt: yo! HornyDaddy here :p if you do it, please make a speedpaint of it é,è, it would be a shame that we miss the process of your fabulous drawings skills lmao
Anonymous33(16): @Ihnele: Holy you need to take a deep breath
As for your question I found and, on which you pop up unprovoked to call her worst girl when everyone was just peacefully enjoying. I don't know if people do the same for Basil because I don't fap to him, but at least I don't go there to spout random shit
Ihnele: @Anonymous: How is that 'loudly complaining'? If my comment obviously intended to not be taken seriously offends you that much then you need to grow a larger spine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't go out of my way to insult people for what they fap unprovoked. People are just incredibly sensitive because there's so little het porn for omori, that the sight of gay porn is somehow upsetting to them at this point.
Anonymous35(16): @Ihnele: >I don't go out of my way to insult people for what they fap unprovoked
Did... Did you even see what I just posted...
You are right though, in this one it's kind of our fault for bringing you up first
If only there were as much Omori R34 artists as there are anons here, that would be much better for everyone
Ihnele: @Anonymous: Am I insulting your person when I say "haha Aubrey worst girl xd" "being wrong is ok xd"? No, Jesus, if insulting Aubrey is somehow a proxy to insult your person, then I'm sorry, but you need to work on your perception of social cues. I have nothing against sunburn shippers (the ones that don't get abrasive about what others ship anyway), but I'm allowed to not like the ship myself.
Anonymous36(6): @Ihnele: I didn't even mention my opinion or anything that could be interpreted as my opinion, so very cool ihnele. Now, using your view about what an insult is and isnt, lets end this stupid argument.
Anonymous39: My fucking brain is dissolving reading this whole comment section. I'm not against gay omori porn, and I don't care about it. I however would find it nice for there to be more Aubrey/Sunny porn but I won't complain if there isn't any because I'm not on the Undertale spectrum. Enjoy what you enjoy and don't harass artists just because they draw femboy basil in an astalfo cosplay. What I'm saying is, just fuckin enjoy the art.
Anonymous47: Wow, just wow. This comment section is crazy. Who cares about the gay porn and who cares about the straight porn. Like what you like. If there isn’t enough of the other just go look at something else. It’s the internet for fuck sake, do you know how much shit there is out there for you? Well go out there and look, you’ll be much happier doing that then bitching about something so insignificant. That goes out to both parties of this argument. Happy fapping y’all, just take it easy and have fun.
Anonymous49: How about another joke, Murray? No, I think we've had enough of your jokes. What do you get... I don't think so. ...when you cross a mentally-ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? Call the police, Gene! I'll tell you what you get! Call the police. You get what you fucking deserve!
the omori rule34 is full of it
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>Proceeds to ask artist to copy said gay porn idea and composition but replacing the guy with a girl
Kinda pathetic tbh.
>Bashing on others for having a preference
>When you butt in to loudly complain about Aubrey on pretty much all of her porn
Kinda pathetic tbh.
Fucking disgraceful and pathetic, learn how much your opinion DOESN'T matter
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"When you butt in to loudly complain about Aubrey on pretty much all of her porn"
Lmfao when have I done that? I literally come here to laugh at people like you, literally scroll up and you'll see people bitching at me unprovoked. Point out where I cried out that her porn exists. Pro-tip: you can't, anyway seethe, cope, dilate, etc.
@Anonymous: Neither does yours, shitface, and I don't care what your limp dick jacks off to, when have I told people to not jack off to Aubrey? Stop being so butthurt that not everyone's infatuated by the character you like.
As for your question I found and, on which you pop up unprovoked to call her worst girl when everyone was just peacefully enjoying. I don't know if people do the same for Basil because I don't fap to him, but at least I don't go there to spout random shit
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Did... Did you even see what I just posted...
You are right though, in this one it's kind of our fault for bringing you up first
If only there were as much Omori R34 artists as there are anons here, that would be much better for everyone
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I like basil but i dont like his gay porn.
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There is way more anons there.