Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: Exactly!!!! Anyone who needs to act like their race is superior to feel better about their own race is pathetic and this goes for ANYONE. Be they , white , black , Asian , Hispanic ect ect. Any form of racial superiority complex is sick and downright wrong.
Crimson-Snow: @purpleblastoise: If they enjoy the idea of being cuckold because of their race let them but it's a form of self hatred. You see it doesn't matter who makes this kind of shit it's a flawed form of content. There would be no problem with this if it was just the black guy on girl and no attempt to have him be considered superior.
Anonymous5: Go on, admit that your such a bitch you have to go on a porn site and complain that a white girl is fucking a black guy, instead of actually getting some fucking pussy. (or dick, I like it too)
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