Anonymous9: No stop the sky porn man can't you see this 13yr old is getting harassed by porn versions of her character at this point I feel bad for her a young girl should never be experiencing this at that age I hope you do what's best and take down the sky pictures.
Anonymous10(5): @Anonymous: You didn't listen to me, you little shit (that's my pet name for you to show my adoration; do you like it my love?). And she's not innocent either, you stupid american.
Anonymous12: @Anonymous: Shut the fuck up you maggot ass faggot ass Gracie kacie Casey be chasing looking ass Yo coked up Smoked up Drunk up shittass snorting Cough syrup off the floor looking ass nasty ass Paint eating cockslurping pedo cuddling EDP worshiping microwave looking ass Please don't fucking speak again and shove that joke right back to the abused necrophiliac hole it came from. You Wannabe so fucking funny grinch with a shiteating grin pig pen mutahar head ass shut the fuck up you nasty ass hoe ass diddlywank cabbage patch kid in college waste of sperm
Anonymous18(17): @Anonymous: it's extremely unlikely either side is gonna stop, since one side thinks that the character is the same as the creator so if you make nsfw of a character its nsfw of the creator which is not true especially if you look at jaiden animations porn and the community of it, and there's the other side that say that the character and creator are two different things.
Anonymous24: @Anonymous: she's a fucking child even if she did some bad things, SHES STILL A CHILD. we all did cringe things as child's! BUT NOONE DESERVES THIS TO HAPPEN TO THEM
Anonymous27: All these fucking 12 year olds are massive fucking braindead apes. SKY IS A FUCKING JOKE. That's what she is, a joke character to get people mad. Sky is no way shape or form, the creator. The creator and sky are different things. Sky the character is confirmed 19. The creator is a child, the creation isn't. THE CREATOR AND THE CREATION ARE DIFFERENT. And that means that sky porn is completely fine.
Anonymous30: @Anonymous: Internet is weird but we can't stop it, sky is a minor but her oc isn't, it's internet's fault for sexualizing everything and it's sky's fault for thinking noone would do that, i am on noone's side, just a guy that passes by
Anonymous36(25): @Anonymous: Repeat after me she's fictional. You overly woke piece of trash and of course the classic spell; all characters portrayed are 18 or older, "It's a simple spell but quite unbreakable."
Anonymous37(25): @Anonymous: Well you tell people not to do something and they will just do it anyways just to spite you at that point. Haven't you learned that lesson yet from the dragon maid situation or any other loli you tried to protect? It always fails, particularly because you're wasting your time drawing attention to it.
d-feather: @Anonymous: Because this happens EVERY FUCKING TIME any FNF porn is uploaded here. It's starting to make me think this game is yet another "anon bait" work like afew [url="just look up any MCYT on this booru because I'm lazy"]others[/url].
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