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Anonymous1: @Anonymous: you wheaties are pathetic
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: TRUE
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Anonymous3(2): @Anonymous: You're the bottom of the human race bro. The world shits on you. Go be jealous some place else.
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Anonymous4: In this thread: Racists insulting other racists.
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: I'm black and I couldn't care less if I'm considered "the bottom of the human race" and this broken little world I live in "shits" on me and my people. Worrying about what miserable, hate-filled people like you think of me is the last thing I'd want to spend my life doing. You're so angry and so little is going on in your life that you spend your time clicking on these images just to insult and entire race of people you don't understand. To think there are countless people on this website and others who're just like you. I've no reason to be jealous of people like that.
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Anonymous6(5): @Anonymous: And I know you'll either never see this, or if you do you'll just respond with the same predictable racist bullshit. But I don't care. Because I'm done sitting back and watching heartless monsters like you get away with talking like this online. Monsters who'd do all sorts of horrifying things to the people they hate if they ever wound up in a position of power. I can't imagine what someone like you would do to black people if you were a cop or a storeowner. I really can't.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: True, but it pisses me off you excuses raceplay when thy have heartless monsters of getting if to race genocide and shut. You’re a hypocrite if you don’t call the monsters that are apart of that as well. Like sometimes they make snuff of it.