Anonymous1: AU I want to see: Goku goes to universe 6 and has sex with Caulifla and Kale getting them both pregnant and becoming one big family never going back to U7.
Anonymous2: Eh, Goku’s honestly a pretty shit husband and father. His fam is probably better off without him. Maybe with the dumbass deadbeat officially gone from the universe, Gohan might have to get serious, take responsibility and get a bunch of bs ass pull power ups due to being main character again to be able to actually do shit again. That or Vegeta will just be the main who gets all of the shit.
Anonymous3(1): @Pyroking: Yeah, but I'd rather see Goku end up with these 2 over Chichi. (Yes, wifing up both and have each of them give birth multiple times). Not like Goku can force Gohan and Goten to accept Kale and Caulifla as their mothers over Chichi.
Anonymous4: Just reading these sort of comments once again confirms just how brain dead certain "fans" are, holy fuck. My IQ might have gone down just by reading this shit.
Anonymous5: People who want Goku×Kale and Caulifla to be a thing are just people who never watched Z. Hell they've probably never seen a bit of Super other than the Tournament of power. Goku is definitely in love with Chichi. Hell when he's in a time of desperation he usually thinks of ChiChi and that's how he's able too overcome people. And I swear none of you guys who ship Goku with Kale and Caulifla have seen the Future Trunks arc. Goku gets pissed when he hears that Goku Black killed ChiChi and Goten.
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