Anonymous1: everyone who likes this shit, they are motherfuckers, damn and shit, then people make up sons of this shit, and that's why people get upset, Lacy has to be with her brother Lemy, not with his father, this is so that the offspring end up worse, and all because of these damn artists, all because they cannot come up with a better idea, since they are useless, hopefully they will die with COVID19
Phoenix182: I shouldn't be surprised. For some odd reason people who hate this stuff are the first to find it and then complain. If you don't like it just skip it. It's rule34 let people like what they want.
Anonymous3(1): @Phoenix182: or better shut up son of a bitch, Lincoln does this, it's one of the worst things people do, they make them invent children of this, and they try to give them history so that more people like it, but that will only be a failure , since people do not like this in particular, that's what Lemy Lyle and BobbyJR are for to be with Lincoln's daughters, or this is just taking away all the appreciation and affection from Lincoln's character by putting him as a pervert who permeates his daughters, it was normal to see this from time to time, but so much amount makes people bored, and things like this only make people angry, Lincoln is no longer a good character, since they have made him the worst person what's up
Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Shut the fuck up, you're one to talk since you searched this up yourself, if you don't like it, don't look at it, overdramatic bitch.
Phoenix182: @Anonymous: I must've hit a nerve, It's a cartoon. Just leave it as that, it's either a commissioned piece or just what the artist likes to draw. So stop going around complaining about a drawing you clicked on, with the way you hate this picture you're neither the artist or commissioner.
Gackt: Just ignore him this is just a prime example of the autistic remedial cesspool of what is known as pleb fail troll or backwards SJW. One who think they are gods gift to righting the wrong of the world in their eye but express it in a negative way and pontificate about it being their believe how bad a situation or setting is and how it upsets them, but only end up proving how sad and alone they are. So they reach out to people (or the internet) for solace to feel important or seek attention by offsetting others to make themselves feel better. Most cases it could be relationship or natural problem they can't figure out to actually do better for the world for themselves. So in short I just described him as an Incel.
TLDR; the load his birthgiver should have swallowed.
Anonymous7(6): Astounding how there are artists here who put time and effort into their work but this traced smut is considered quality. Low standards or just bad taste? The answer is both.
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TLDR; the load his birthgiver should have swallowed.