Anonymous10: @Anonymous: Anon 20 is right, people are fighting fir some fictional characters "rape" when it's actually a dacryphilia art based on the interaction made, you people never get informed in ways and just start talking crap that is not.
I am very sorry that the rape victim got raped, but please, the drawing is not about rape, remember, Pico and Bf Are cannonlicly adults and fictional characters, people, stop fighting about something that at the end is freedom of speech, it is protected by the first amendment of the U.S contitution and shall not be infringed.
Anonymous12: @DieInAFire: HOOOOLLYY shit babe you need a L I F E. or to get fucking railed. or both. you're pretty fucked if you tell a rape victim to shut up??? the fuck?? also rape aint hot, its fucked. god damn go touch some grass or sum shit, hun.
DieInAFire: @Anonymous: This is the most hilarious thing I ever read lmfao you're obsessed with me.
And nah rape is still hot. Otherwise there wouldn't be porn of it.
Anonymous18: @DieInAFire definitely punching a wall after getting told they're a shitty person in a weird fetish porn post about a videogame, of all places
Anonymous20: @DieInAFire: I figured that u'd respond w something clever to try and save some respect for urself but nope. Blatantly insecure n replying to nothing. Don't try to be a big man stating your opinions on rape to a rape victim if u can't take the heat from it, coward
Anonymous21: lol the teenagers are back spreading their opinions on depictions of rape in porn. Everybody duck and cover, in 20 years, someone might start to care enough to do something about it
Anonymous22: @DieInAFire: bro... How long have you been using the internet? I'm curious. I just wanted to fuck with u because u seemed like a dick but all u have done in response is double down and spout some "I'm anonymous so people aren't allowed to call me out" bullshit that only preteens who got their first phone say. I tried goating u into getting upset but I think u r genuinely too stupid to see when someone's insulting u
DieInAFire: @Anonymous: Omg interview q's from a fan?? yay!! Okay!!
I've been using the internet since the very late 90s, I'd say like 1999-ish? Ok next question <3
Anonymous24: @DieInAFire: ehhh, sincerely doubt that but I think my time is better spent at the very least messing with someone who's funny. If anybody else feels like insulting this guy, be warned, they have an armor of sheer lack of self-awareness. Can't process a single thing said to them, poor guy
Anonymous25: @DieInAFire: so basically if you were raped you’d be okay with it or if a family member of yours was raped you would still think it’s attractive and defend it. you are literally sounding like a future rapist and low key defending rape. and don’t even get me started on child rape or animal rape.
Anonymous27(25): @DieInAFire: and this proves that you literally don’t care about rape victims and obviously don’t know that rape is bad. shut the fuck up thanks.
Anonymous28(25): just because you’re older does not mean you’re automatically right. rape is bad in every way. it is not hot. sadly though, people like you wouldn’t know because your heads so far up your own ass that you can’t even perceive reality anymore. please get some mental help, talk to a therapist, anything. the “get therapy” shit from me is not an insult. i mean it genuinely. i’m currently getting it to try and get through the trauma i received from being raped when i was just a kid. i’ve been getting it for 4 years now.
Anonymous29(25): @DieInAFire: also with the “drawing on paper” shit. thing is. a lot of pedos and rapists will look at underage/loli and rape porn for a while, then get the balls to act on their urges. because the drawings reinforce their mental illness and make them feel like what they’re doing is ok or it’s not that bad and they’ll get away with it. because fiction affects reality. there have also been killers that were inspired by works of fiction such as a 11 year old boy killing a toddler after watching Child’s Play 3, killings inspired by the book Rage, and the fucking attempted assassination of ronald reagan. fiction has an effect on people whether you realize it or not
Anonymous30(25): by the way my guy, telling a rape victim to shut up because they realize how awful rape is isn’t trolling. it’s just being a genuinely awful person. so have fun with defending CP and rape ig because it “doesn’t affect reality” when there’s proof that it does
Anonymous33: @Anonymous: (Anon 4 now, future account will be named _slimenchillada__after_dark. Now onto the comment:) Honestly doe. Also, kind anonymous fellow, can/would you please explain to me exactly wtf is going on in this fricking comment section? .-_ .-@@@@@@@@
Anonymous38: @Anonymous: Yea sure, if you're a tremendous piece of shit who doesn't deserve to breathe the same oxygen as every other human being on the planet. Literally fucking end your life as soon as possible and don't ever let anyone ever see rapist trash like you again faggot, because if i meet you in real life i will beat you to death myself. No weapons, no tools of any kind. I will literally pull your spine out of your asshole so fast and hard your soul will vanish and disappear from reality.
Anonymous39(38): Seriously. A society that normalizes rape is LONG GONE. Anyone who finds rape arousing in any way possible needs the worst torture mankind has ever come up with asap. Unironically, if you endulge in rape or atleast endorse it in any way whatsoever, put a fucking bullet through your skull before ACTUAL PEOPLE find you and do their worst to you. Or don't because i'd honestly love watching a rapist getting destroyed at liveleak. Just disappear.
also this is anon 44 and 9 :] just come back here to see if there’s any new chaos lol
Anonymous43(41): @Anonymous: but like. not earning someone’s respect doesn’t mean i deserve disrespect for being a fucking rape victim my guy, and that’s what dieinafire was doing???? like. it’s not respect, it’s basic human decency. you don’t just walk up to a person who’s stating a fucking fact, the one in this case being rape is harmful and bad, and tell them to shut the fuck up bc you think it’s attractive and ok and then say “rape is hot it doesn’t matter that it caused you trauma”
Anonymous50: This isn't rape since it isn't forced it also can't be rape since these aren't real people now stfu I like fictional shit any type of goddamn sex but I don't like the shit kink that's disgusting as fuck
Anonymous52: @DieInAFire What, do you have a degrading kink or some shi?? Chiiile, go smoke your own weed and chillax. If you wanna get degraded, go get a sugar daddy or a pimp to call you mean things <3
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I am very sorry that the rape victim got raped, but please, the drawing is not about rape, remember, Pico and Bf Are cannonlicly adults and fictional characters, people, stop fighting about something that at the end is freedom of speech, it is protected by the first amendment of the U.S contitution and shall not be infringed.
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And nah rape is still hot. Otherwise there wouldn't be porn of it.
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I've been using the internet since the very late 90s, I'd say like 1999-ish? Ok next question <3
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also this is anon 44 and 9 :] just come back here to see if there’s any new chaos lol
There's porn of animals, guess raping animals is ok.